Chapter 7

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Just like when we were leaving the Glade, I didn't look back. I thought we were supposed to be safe there. I thought this was our chance to finally have a real life. But W.I.C.K.E.D. is so good at telling convincing lies we actually believed them. But not this time. We weren't fooled easily like the others. But they were still there, trapped inside, just waiting to be experimented on.

We climbed the sand dunes as little grains blew in our faces, stinging our eyes. It also wasn't helping with my arm, it was going to get infected. But where was I supposed to get the supplies to treat the wound? The only supplies that would've helped me were back at the "safe" facility, and we weren't going back there. On the top of the sand hill, we saw lights shining in different directions and heard four wheeler dirt bikes spreading out.

"Come on, we can lose them in the storm," Thomas said.

We crawled through the sand, keeping our heads low so they wouldn't find us. We couldn't keep this up though, we needed to find shelter from the storm. But what kind of shelter was even standing? We were practically in the middle of nowhere that had desert that stretched out for miles to come, it would be a miracle if we found something.

We ran through the desert, having no clue where we were going. Losing W.I.C.K.E.D. was what mattered to us at that moment. Teresa was up ahead, and found something large sticking out in the sand. She examined it, seeing windows along the place. There was a broken window with sand piling in it. Well, it's better than nothing, I thought as I went over to join her.

"Come on!" She said.

All the boys were shouting for her to wait, but she was already halfway down the sandhill. I went in after her, wanting to get out of the storm that continued to blow little sand grains. The boys were now shouting for me to wait, but I didn't listen.

"Get down here!" I shouted.

Without having much of a choice, everyone piled in, slipping down the hill of sand. It was dark inside, I couldn't see what was in front of me. Now what were we supposed to do?

Minho pulled out a flashlight from the stolen backpack and turned it on so we could see in the dark. The place we were in was broken down, old, abandoned. I didn't think that no one would find us here.

"Where the hell are we?" Minho asked.

"We gotta go," Thomas urged.

"No," Teresa said.

"We need-"

"Thomas, stop!"

He finally did and turned to look at her.

"Tell me what's going on," she demanded.

Thomas was hesitant to tell her the truth, but he answered her question after a few seconds of silence. He answered all of our questions at last.

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