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Second Semester, Second Year

Beam blinked when he saw a guy in blue engineering jacket sat across him during lunch. He was sitting alone reading his book at the usual table he and his friends sat, waiting for Forth to come so that they could have their late lunch together.

Phana and Kit already left to the library, claiming they did not want to disturb the two and wanted to enjoy the cold air-conditioned room instead.

But this guy across him was not Forth. Beam did not need to look up to figure that out.

This guy did not have the smell of Forth. Forth smelled like faint vanilla combined with a cinnamon scent almost all the time, while this guy just emitted musky tobacco scent.

Beam frowned, but he chose not to look up from his thick anatomy book.

"Hi, Beam." The guy greeted. But Beam just hummed coldly.

He knew who it was already. It was Punn. The guy who stopped him on his way to Forth's table yesterday, saying that he knew Forth and–

"–you don't believe me, do you?" The guy cut in the middle of Beam's thought.

When Beam still refused to talk to him, Punn continued again. "Well, it's up to you to believe me or not. But don't come running to me when I am proven right?"

Beam looked up to him with a sharp scowl. The guy smiled wickedly.

"Oh, come on. Admit it, you believed me enough yesterday to actually go and find him." He mocked, causing Beam to roll his eyes and look back down to his book.

"You saw him with Wayo that night, that's why you believed me enough to do that. Because I actually make sense."

"Cut your bullshit and fuck off." Beam hissed lowly.

Forth would arrive anytime soon, and Beam really did not want him to meet this annoying guy.

Besides, he already asked about that last night. And Forth had explained everything clearly. They did not have a fight, Forth was not angry or upset at all. They both went to bed peacefully.

Beam promised himself that he would not be an idiot and trust this guy blindly again. He should trust Forth instead of this guy.

"Why do you even stay with him anyway? You deserve better." Punn asked.

"Fuck off." Beam hissed again. His knuckles turned white as his grip on the book tightened.

Who is this guy that my relationship is his business?! Not even my mom said anything!

"Oh, I will." The guy said, finally standing up and taking his leave.

Beam frowned slightly. That was easier than I thought.

Now that the guy was finally gone, Beam was about to pick up his phone from the table to text Forth when a familiar mixture of vanilla and cinnamon scent hit his nose and a familiar hand tapping on his back gently, twice.

Beam looked up only to find Forth. The owner of the hand then took a seat beside him, smiling softly as he crossed his arms on the table and leaned his head on top of them. His face was turned to Beam's way as he silently watched the pale guy. Beam followed the guy's movement all along.

Beam chuckled. "What? Why are you acting cute like this?" Beam asked, raising his eyebrows in amusement.

It was rare for a quiet and calm Jaturaphoom Jamornhum to act this way in public. He was the most feared man in the whole campus, after all, being intimidating and all.

Forth shook his head softly, still smiling oh so sweetly to his boyfriend. "Nothing. What are you studying?"

Beam turned to look at his book laid open on top of the table. He already forgot what he was reading. Scanning the book for a second, he turned his head back to Forth.

"Anatomy. Why?" Forth nodded once while humming. He was still smiling.

"Can I take a nap first? We can eat after that. Your class is at four, right?" Forth asked, the soft gentle smile was still plastered on his face.

Beam glanced at his wristwatch and nodded as he turned to look back at the tanned guy. It was two o'clock, and Beam already had a light meal at noon before with Kit.

"You are tired?" Beam asked softly.

They did go to sleep a bit late last night because Forth wanted to make it completely clear first before they end the day. And Forth's classes were quite packed this morning. From 8 am to 2 pm non-stop, with labs and lectures combined.

These mixed together, resulting in an extremely drained Forth.

Forth just hummed softly. He shook his head then added. "It's just my head kinda hurts a little."

Beam nodded.

He moved his right hand and comb through Forth's soft and thick dark brown hairs. He also slightly massage the back of Forth's neck before going back to comb his hair gently.

Forth immediately close his eyes when he felt the slim long fingers threading his hair. It always helped him to fall asleep easier. Forth usually had difficulty to sleep.

He claimed that when his body was too exhausted, it would not be able to go to sleep until he was relaxed. Apparently, doing that helped him to relax.

In a matter of a minute, Forth's breathing slowly changed into steading slow breathing. It was a sign that he had fallen asleep.

Beam smiled at the sight because one, he knew Forth did not usually sleep that easily. Two, a Forth Jaturaphoom would never sleep in public spaces.

He was too private. The only exception was a certain Beam Baramee Vongviphan. It was as if everywhere Beam was, it would become a private and safe space for the tanned guy.

And Beam was glad and willing to be one for him.

Beam closed his thick book and put his head on top of the book, facing the sleeping boyfriend. He watched his boyfriend for a few minutes, smiling softly before he finally sat back up.

Beam watched Forth for a few minutes more, before pulling his legs onto the wooden bench. He turned his body facing Forth completely, his legs were crossed on top of the bench.

The medicine student's position successfully hid the engineering student's whole face from others, intended or not. Beam just quietly took his phone and scrolled over his social media.

He even took some pictures of Forth for memory with a beaming smile.

After about ten minutes, Forth moved for a little bit, probably uncomfortable with his sleeping posture. So Beam scooted back a little and pulled Forth to lay down on the bench, his head on Beam's crossed legs.

Forth was probably too sleepy and tired that he just went along when Beam pulled him. Not even asking why.

And Beam just continued to scroll on his phone. His right hand played with Forth's locks gently. He even replied to Phana's texts, and watch videos on Youtube.

The guy who came previously was totally forgotten from his mind.

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