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In which when you're in love, you unconsciously became alike with the person you love.

First Semester, Third Year

Phana Kongthanin looked at his fair-skinned friend and sighed. The said guy was enthusiastically passing out the flyers for their charity event that will be held in three weeks. The tallest in the Crazy Med gang found that was so unlike the friend he used to know for years.

"Why do you look so happy about this?" Phana asked, sounded more to being curious and confused even when his question sounded bitter.

Baramee Vongviphan turned to his tall friend and smiled. He then shrugged easily and turned back to give out those flyers. He already finished two stacks before, unlike Phana who stood there in confusion and Kit who kept complaining about how hot the weather was.

"Seriously, Beam? You looked like Forth when he asked us to join their community service activity last semester." Phana pointed out. That was the first time he saw Jaturaphoom being excited about something.

Usually, the tanned guy would be more conservative with his emotions. More calm and collected. It was different when he was with Beam though, with his smiles and touches of laughter but that was expectable. They were together.

But Beam here did not like crowds even before high school. So why was he volunteering and even happily handed out those flyers with his big smile?

Beam turned to Phana and slightly frowned, "I am not." Phana rolled his eyes.

Yeah, right.

But he said nothing in return because Beam was back at giving out those colorful stacks of papers to the two female students who were passing by. Phana sighed at the guy.

He bet Beam did not realize that the two girls passed by them seven times already.

When it came to lunch hour, Phana found himself and the other two of his friends sitting at their usual table, with four plates of chicken rice. Four.

There were only three of them. Phana looked at Beam who mindlessly scrolled on his smartphone, food was forgotten as of yet.

"Is Forth joining us?" Phana asked. Beam looked up and nodded before he turned back to his phone causing the one who asked frowned slightly.

He acted like Forth again. Beam Baramee was originally not as quiet as this.

"Why are you reminding me of Forth?" Phana unconsciously asked out loud, causing Beam to look back up at him.

"Why?", "Getting food for each other, suddenly getting interested in community service and charity activities,... You don't even talk as much as you used to."

Beam blinked for a second before he again shrugged dismissively. "It's not a bad thing to be like that."

Phana gawked. Beam then continued. “Plus, you said I talked too much before.”

Phana blinked. He said that because the pale guy was talking nonstop during their class. The professor was glaring at them!

Phana then sighed in despair and joined Kit to eat. He could not just waste his time arguing with this guy in front of him.

Beam continued to wait until Forth came so they can eat together.

Forth came ten minutes after. Somehow, he looked fresh despite the slightly sweating forehead and out of breath that he experienced.

"Sorry, am I late?"

Forth asked, carelessly tossing his bag on the bench before he took a seat next to Beam. Beam shook his head and smiled comfortingly. The pale guy then handed a handkerchief from his pocket to Forth, to which the other accept gladly.

"Rough day?" Beam asked. Forth grumbled in a whiny manner in response, "Those kids are spoiled too much."

Beam chuckled and handed Forth's food. "Eat, so you can handle those spoiled kids."

Forth wordlessly obliged. They then proceeded to eat lunch, with Phana still taking glances at the two of them. Forth was listening and humming to Beam as the latter mindlessly briefed through his day and his plans after lunch to Forth.

Phana raised his eyebrow slightly and glanced at Kit. The roles of the famous  medicine-engineering couple were flipped, Phana could not be the only one that noticed it!

The shortest among them just signed him to shut up and let it be. Phana continued to eat, but his eyes lingered on those two.

When they finally finished with their lunch, Beam immediately picked up his and Forth's plates and went to put them away. Forth stayed behind while cleaning up the table with a tissue before he too, went to throw the tissue away.

Phana silently huffed. He waited for the two to return, while Kit just let the taller be.

"You guys switched your bodies or something?" Phana asked sarcastically when the engineering student and his boyfriend came back, hands in hands. Forth blinked in confusion while Beam frowned.

"Switch?" Forth asked confusedly.

"Cut the bullshits already, Pha," Beam warned.

Phana threw his arms in the air and exclaimed a bit loud, "See?!"

“What are you two talking about?” Forth asked, he was rather curious about what the two was talking about.

“He's just going out of his mind, classes are stressful.” Beam dismissed.

Phana was flabbergasted. Kit patted on Phana's back, silently shaking his head.

“Really? Then you should not wait for me and just head straight home na,” Forth turned to Beam. He then continued, “The hazing activity might end late.”

“It's okay, I will just finish my assignment while waiting.” Beam insisted. Forth hesitated for a few seconds before he finally nodded.

“You have classes after this?” Beam asked, as they took a seat again. “At three.”

Beam glanced at his wrist watch. It was only half an hour past one.

“You can a nap here, I will wake you up at 2.30 and then we will head to engineering together.” He suggested before he took out a book and a thin stack of lined papers from.

He did not have class for the day anymore. Forth nodded before he yawned. He then laid down his head on top of Beam's lap, arms crossed again his abdomen.

Phana and Kit just watched the whole thing and looked at each other. “You're going to head back with Forth later, right?” Kit asked Beam softly.

Beam looked up from the papers, at his friends. “Yeah. You can head home first.” Beam confirmed.

Kit nodded, before he and Phana took their leave. Unknown to Baramee, the two of them glanced at each other and shrugged.

The medical-engineering couple surely changed their souls that day. It was usually Beam who would sleep after lunch. It was usually Forth who would wait for Beam's class to end.

The usual Beam would not wait. He would head home first if Forth would come home late. Because Beam did not like the girls that would bother him whenever he was alone.

When the two medical students rounded the corner, they saw Beam was looking down at Forth with his fingers threading Forth's hair.

“Yep, totally.” The two chorused softly.

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