Chapter 16

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I'm here:)

Most of this is my own writing and ideas instead of going off the show and I'm quite proud of myself. xD

Question: Do you like when I write my own works or when I go off the show?

Question: Who else loves Erin and Stiles best friend fluff?

 Can you take ten seconds out of your time to vote and comment?

<^_^<                        >^_^> 

 Can you take ten seconds out of your time to vote and comment?

I walked in the door silently, toeing my shows off and locking the door behind me. My aunt and uncle weren't here, today was their date night and Jasmine and Josh were watching our cousin, Connor. I made my way to the kitchen, flipping on the light. My mind was moving and thinking nonstop as I filled up a glass of water, chugging it down in an attempt to calm my nerves. 


Why didn't he tell me? Why would he keep something like this from me? What the hell was he? I've never smelt or noticed anything different about him; on the full moon he's completely normal. Is he gonna hurt Jasmine? She'd be crushed if she found out, or does she already know? Is she keeping a secret from me too?

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I set my keys on the counter, fishing it out of my pocket, along with the piece of paper that changed my life. Stiles' name was displayed on the screen, a picture of him and me making stupid faces together shining in the background, his profile picture for my phone. 

I sighed, silencing it and pushing it into my back pocket. It had only been an hour and Stiles had called me four times, Scott twice, and Kira once. I had also gotten about 20 texts from all of them. After Malia and I saw our names on the Deadpool, with Hale on the end of it, we walked out together, ignoring the others. She had taken off once we were no longer able to be seen by all the people and officers outside, and I had gone to my car.

I didn't know what to think. I'm Peter's daughter. I'm the daughter of a man I completely despise. Don't get me wrong, I hate my father for leaving me, but this is just a whole new level. Malia's my half-sister, and I'm Derek's cousin. My former alpha is my cousin, my cousin bit me. I don't know if I should be grossed out or not.

Does Peter know that I'm his daughter? He knows that Malia is, he already met her after he knew, but what about me? Had he been lying to me too? He must've been a bit of a man whore in his day if he had two daughters that he never knew about, with two different women.

I shook my head to myself, unfolding the Deadpool and smoothing it out, staring at my name.

Erin Hale.

I guess I understand why Stiles and Scott kept it from me; they knew I'd be as furious as I am now. But why did they keep Josh's appearance on the paper from me? Josh could've been murdered by now; I wouldn't have been able to protect him if I had never known. I couldn't help but be hurt by all of this. I tell them everything I find out, they know everything about me. I have a right to know, rather I want to hear it or not. It is my life we're talking about here.

I had procrastinated enough; I picked up the paper, putting it in my pocket to hide from Jasmine for the time being. My sock covered feet glided across the tile floor as I exited the kitchen, making my way upstairs. I could hear Jasmine and Josh talking quietly, and Connor's laugh in the background. Jasmine's room was lit and I slowly opened the door, three heads turning to look at me. 

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