Chapter 25

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"Mexico? Again? You guys just went camping there awhile ago." My aunt said, drying the dish in her hand. I shrugged casually, trying to play it off as an innocent trip. It was hard to do when I could feel my uncle's gaze on me, he knew I was lying, he knew something was up. Connor was oblivious to the whole thing, coloring his dinosaur at the table with his wet blonde hair falling in his face from his shower.

"Yeah, well, we liked it a lot so we decided to go back for a couple days." I said, putting the plate away for her. "I know it's kinda late notice but we all really wanna go."

My aunt was silent for a few seconds, "I guess that's okay. You have your card for money; you're all going together, right?"

I nodded.

"Then sure, sweetheart, you can go. But you all have to stick together; you're still high school students."

I kissed her cheek. "We always do."

She turned off the sink and dried her hands. "Okay, Mr. Connor, time for you to go to bed."

I walked over to my young cousin, "I can put him to bed, Aunt April."

She smiled, "Thank you dear, I need to catch up on Grey's Anatomy so that'll be a big help."

I laughed at her before ruffling Connor's hair. "Let's go, Hotshot."

Connor said a goodnight to his parents before heading towards his room with me following behind. He climbed into his bed, shuffling under his covers before looking up at me with his big blue eyes.


I kneeled down beside his bed. "Yeah, little man?"

He looked up at me, "Why're you always gone?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, pushing his hair from his face. "What do you mean?"

"You're gone a lot, with your friends. Mommy said it's because you're popular."

I chuckled a bit. "I guess you can say that." If always being in life threatening situations and fighting for my life and many other's is considered popular, than sure. "I'm sorry I'm gone so much, how about this? When I get back, I'll take you to a movie and we'll get ice cream after, how does that sound?"

He smiled, showing a missing tooth to the side of his mouth. "Yeah!"

I grinned, ruffling his hair once again before standing up. "Get some sleep, bud. Love you."

"Love you too, Erbear."

I turned off the light, shutting his door slightly and walking down the hall to my room. As I sat on my bed my uncle walked in, leaning on the door frame. "Alright, what's the real reason for going to Mexico?"

"Can't a girl just go to another country with friends for fun?"

He gave me a look and I sighed. "Nothing big, just gotta check something for Scott, nothing dangerous."


He didn't seem to believe me but sighed, letting it go. "You better get packed then."

<^_^< >^_^>

The giant van pulled up in front of us and I sighed, stepping out of Stiles' Jeep. "I still don't like this."

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