Chapter 8

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Question: American Horror Story? :D


<^_^<                >^_^>

At first I stayed silent, hoping he didn't see her. How were we supposed to explain Lydia being at a crime scene? Sadly, luck didn't seem to be in our favor today as Parrish unbuckled, mumbling, "did you see that?"

"What?" I asked innocently, hoping he'd stay here. When he got out of the car pulling out his gun I cursed silently, jumping out as well. I walked to his side, "it's probably nothing, a reflection or something."

He stopped slightly, "no, there's someone in here. Stay behind me, Erin, you shouldn't even be here in the first place. I don't want to drag you into these kinds of situations." If only you knew the truth. I thought, before deciding to let him have his way and moving behind him. 

He opened the door, his gun gripped in his hand. "Beacon County Sheriff's Department!" He yelled, usng his professional and assertive voice -which may I add is really sexy.- "This is a crime scene, show yourself." It was silent for a few seconds before Lydia appeared around the corner, her I don't know how I got here and I'm really confused face on.

Parrish jumped and I simply sighed, "hey Lydia."

"What're you doing here?" He asked and I sighed, moving to Lydia's side.

"It's complicated," I mumbled, Lydia and I walking into the kitchen with Parrish in tow.

"I would try to explain it, but I've never gotten a satisfactory explanation myself." She said, her heels clattering on the floors while my combat boots were silent. I preferred shoes easy to run in, you never know when the next supernatural monster is gonna come. 

"Just an unusual habit of showing up at places where people have been brutally murdered?"

I smiled, almost laughing at his sarcastic comment as I cheekily replied, "Are you saying she has a reputation?"

"An unusual one, maybe you're psychic."

She chuckles, not humored. "Don't tell me you believe all that?" She moved to look at a wall and I let her be, maybe she'll find something that can help us with the axe/ tomahawk murderer. 

"I'd like to say I don't believe in anything," he replied.

I hummed, patting his chest. "Good man." 

He smiled, rolling his eyes, "But I keep an open mind." She didn't look back at him, focused on the wall in front of her. "But if you're looking for dead bodies, I think you're a little late."

She pressed her hand to the wall, pushing down slightly before releasing. The wall she pushed on opened and compacted air came out in a white mist, revealing that it was in fact a door. I walked forward, opening it as cold air blew at us gently, goosebumps rising on my skin. A hand pressed gently to my lower back and I ignored the tingles, looking to see Parrish with his gun pulled out again, walking in front of us. 

Lydia hooked her arm through mine, for comfort I presume, as we followed Parrish inside the dark and freezing hallway. The smell of fresh meat entered my nose and I grimaced whispering, "it reeks in here" to Lydia. At the end of the hall were plastic flaps covering an entryway. Parrish pulled them back, revealing bags hanging from the ceiling.

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