Chapter 5

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 This is short but I don't have time to make it longer because TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAYY. 

So this is a birthday present from me to you guys. 

Question: Hi or Hey?


<^_^<                >^_^>

I guess there's a first for everything. First kiss, first time, first day of school, first time getting arrested. Unfortunately, I didn't imagine that my first time getting arrested I'd be sitting here listening to Scott convince young Derek to come with us and that I'd be making faces back and forth with one of the deputies.

I've been sitting here for about an hour, bored out of my mind. Scott and Stiles scolded me for ten minutes when they got here, until Sheriff Stilinski told them they can't talk to someone in custody. Scott had just lied to Derek, telling him that his family is okay and that he'll take him to them as soon as he's back to normal. I was shocked, considering he said he wasn't going to lie. But this will be easier for all of us, when he's back to normal we won't have to break the heartbreaking news to him becuase he'll already know.

I puffed out my cheeks, crossing my eyes at Parrish. He laughed, rolling his eyes. He was sitting at his desk across the room, watching me. Unfortunately, the deputy that arrested me was sitting front of me, his desk closer to the bench. 

I listened back in to the room behind me, where Derek, Scott, and Stiles were. "Is she coming too?" Derek asked quietly and I turned around, seeing him and Scott looking at me through the window. I spun back around quickly so they didn't think I was listening.

Scott hesitated, "uh, hopefully. We have to figure out how to get her out of here first, why?"

"She helped me," Derek said and I looked down with a small smile. "Plus she's hot." My head shot up and I twisted my head around to see Scott and Stiles holding in their laughter, Derek giving me a flirty smile. My cheeks burned bright as I turned back around, my former alpha's former self thinks I'm hot. What has my life even come to?

"Okay Erin," the Sheriff sat down next to me on the bench. "Unfortunately, I can't do anything to get you out of here. So think long and hard, did he do or say anything that we can use?"

I looked over at him, "he tazed Derek but apparently he's allowed to do that, according to him." I thought harder, thinking back to cop shows I used to watch, thinking about the routine they always do when arresting someone. My shot up, "he never said the Miranda Rights!"

He sighed, shaking his head. "I'm afraid you have to have a witness to exercise the Miranda Rights." 

"He didn't." We looked up, seeing Parrish standing there, "I was present the whole time, Sheriff, and he never said them to her." I looked back at Stiles' dad, hoping this would be enough proof. I just wanna get out of here, I have more important things to do. He shrugged, unlocking my handcuffs.

"Go ahead and go, I'll deal with Haigh." I thanked him, standing up. I went to walk out of the room, when I saw Parrish walking back to his desk.

"Hey!" I called to him, walking over to him. The two of us walked out of the noisy office, going into the empty hallway. I didn't say anything at first, simply wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him. "Thank you."

His arms went around my waist, hugging me back. "It was no problem really, he's an ass anyway. You did the right thing." 

I smiled, "yeah well I need to learn how to control my temper." We pulled back and I pressed a kiss to his cheek, my heart beating wildly in my chest. I made my way to the door, about to leave when he called out to me. 

I turned around, waiting for him to continue. He gave me a half smile, "you're pretty badass, you know that?" 

I laughed, pretending to flip my hair. "I try."

<^_^<           >^_^>

"We're going to wait here for Scott," Stiles said, shutting the door as we walked inside Scott's house. "We're going to sit quietly, we're not going to call or talk to anyone, and we aren't going to get arrested, again." He looked at me, a pointed look on his face and I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Do I talk to you?" Derek asked him.

"No." Stiles immediately replied.

Derek looked at me, a smirk on his face. "Can I talk to you?"

I rolled my eyes, not able to contain my smile. I found this situation hilarious, I'm so teasing Derek about this when we change him back. "If you want."

He looked forward, "who's going to talk to him?'

We looked ahead of us, Stiles and I jumping at the sight of Agent McCall. "Ah, are you getting taller!?"

Agent McCall set a brown bag on the table, the delicious scent of chinese food hitting my nose. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Waiting for Scott." Derek told him before he could reply. Stiles' and my hearts were beating quickly, not knowing where this was gonna go. 

"So am I, we're supposed to have dinner. I brought extra, you guys hungry?"

Stiles and I immediately declined, but Derek decided to reply with a yes. I gave him a nervous smile, "we're not hungry."

Derek gave me a weird look, "I'm starving."

"None of us are hungry, thanks though."

Derek and Scott's dad were both staring at Stiles and I as if we were insane. "Okay well, Stiles, Erin, if you two aren't hungry, your friend can still eat with us. What's your name?"

Derek went to answer when Stiles cut him off, pointing at him. "Miguel," Derek's face just continued getting more confused and irritated and I gave him an overly enthusiastic smile. "My cousin Miguel."

I had to do something, Agent McCall obviously doesn't believe him by the look on his face. I walked over to Derek, taking his hand in mine. "My boyfriend."

Agent McCall looked suprised before looking at Derek, or 'Miguel.' He began speaking spanish, his words jumbled together so I couldn't understand. I wouldn't be able to anyways, I took French. Stiles sighed, "oh my God."

What suprised us was when Derek started speaking back, the words falling effortlessly from his mouth. Stiles and I exchanged looks, both of us impressed with him. 

Agent McCall smiles, "egg roll?"

"Hell yeah." Derek walks forward, his hand tightening in mine as he dragged me to the table. Maybe saying he was my boyfriend wasn't the greatest idea.

<^_^<             >^_^>


Question: Hi or Hey?

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