Chapter 1

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First chapter :D

Question: Stiles or Parrish?


<^_^< >^_^>

The beat was loud in my ears as I danced to it, letting the music move me. There were bodies all around me, pressing against me and swaying to the beat. I wrapped my arms around a cute guy's neck, pulling him close and grinding against him. His hands grabbed my waist, a sly smirk on his face.

Raves in Mexico weren't that different than back home to be honest, I mean yeah, everyone here is Mexican but it's still just about the same. Same music, same lights, same drunk fools. We'd probably be home right now, but apparently Derek's here. I found that out the hard way when Stiles climbed inside my window at two in the morning to tell me all this. He scared the hell out of me but he claimed he 'couldn't just knock on the front door this late.' I didn't understand why he couldn't just tell me during the day but he said it was for 'the good old times.' Back before the Alpha pack showed up Stiles and I hung out during the summer a lot and we would sneak into each other's windows.

Things have been kinda lonely for me ever since Isaac left. Josh and Jasmine are always wanting to be by themselves for 'alone time.' I told them as long as they were safe I didn't care, I do not have the time to help them take care of a child. Lydia tends to do her own thing a lot, Scott and Kira are always with each other which leaves Stiles, Malia, and I. Don't get me wrong, Malia's nice and everything but I guess I just haven't really clicked with her like I have with everyone else.

Stiles and Malia are really close, I think Malia even likes Stiles. Which I would have been totally fine with a few months ago, sadly when Isaac left I seemed to have dug up my feelings for Stiles. It's only a small crush, but it's still enough for me to want to know what's going on between them. I've also gotten closer to a certain deputy down at the station. Jordan (he still insists on me calling him that instead of Parrish like everyone else) and I have gotten really close over the last couple months and the flirting hasn't seized. So, I'm crushing on two guys and I flirting with a bunch of others. Hey, I'm single now so I can.

I still think about Isaac, I miss falling asleep with him. He was my rock through all of this and even though I act like it doesn't bother me, I still really miss him. But I act like everything's fine, I flirt with guys to take my mind off of it.

I've been training with Peter at least three days a week, I have control over shifting into my shadow side now. He taught me to shift and take my anger and hate out on enemies instead of my friends. I can't control the elements yet, no matter what Peter does he just can't seem to get me to trigger it. He says I can only do it when I have extra power, like when someone is controlling me.

Since Scott and Jasmine broke the control bond between me and the Nogitsune and no one can control me anymore, I won't be able to do that. But I'm much more powerful now so hopefully when the next supernatural mess comes to Beacon Hills I can help more.

I twisted around the guy and was about to reach the front of him again when Kira pulled me aside. "Just because you're single now doesn't mean you have to work your hot girl magic on every cute guy you see," she said playfully, pulling me to where her and Malia were.

I rolled my eyes wrapping my arms around her neck, "I'm just having a bit of fun." She gave me a pointed look and I sighed dramatically, "fine, fine, we're here for a reason."

We continued dancing and looked around, seeing the guards have spotted us and were moving in around Malia, Kira, and I. We nodded at each other, turning around to be back to back in a circle. Kira got out her nunchucks while Malia and I glowed our eyes. Malia flicked out her nails, I didn't have any because I was shifted into my shadow side so I wasn't a werewolf.

We attacked at once, I ducked under a punch a man sent me and kicked him in the stomach making him fly back. I advanced forward, grabbing his head and hitting it on the ground so he was knocked out. Turning around I became face to face with a younger guard. I tilted my head with a smile, "too bad you're against me, you're kinda cute."

One hit to the head and he was sprawled out on the ground unconscious. I looked around, seeing all the guards were on the ground. "Well that was easy." I spun around to come face to face with Scott who had thrown another guard across the room.

"Come on," he told us and we followed him away from the party. We went out the door into the hallways, weaving through them looking for Stiles and Lydia. Suddenly when we turned a corner, mist began shooting from the walls.

"It's wolfsbane!" Scott shouted and I covered my nose, already feeling the sting in my system.

Breathing began getting difficult and I stumbled, Malia and I grabbing on to each other for support before we both fell, everything went black.

<^_^< >^_^>

I woke up later with an aching back and heavy lungs. I groaned, sitting up and looking around. Malia, Stiles, Kira, and Scott ran towards me, surrounding me. "Where are we?" I asked in disgust, looking around the dirty and grimy room.

"We don't know," Stiles sighed, grabbing my hand and pulling me up. "But they have Lydia, and before you ask, no we don't know what they want with her."

I dusted myself off as Scott filled me in, "they don't have Derek. But when I went to the loft someone had taken him, we just don't know who."

Suddenly the doors opened, a man immediately attacking me and hitting me with the electricity stick. I fell paralyzed, not being able to move. My vision was blurry but I saw them hit Scott as well, and simply grab Kira since she wasn't as strong as us. I was picked up and carried out of the room, Scott was being carried also, Kira being pushed to walk.

When my vision returned and I could move I saw I was chained to a chair next to Scott. He had wires along his chair while mine just had the chains. Lydia was chained up on the other side of Scott, and Kira was being held with her hand on a dial that was hooked up to a machine.

"So, let me explain what's about to happen." The man holding Kira said, "this one, the fox, has an immunity to electricity. So she's going to turn the dial on the Alpha. If she doesn't, I turn the dial on the Banshee."

What do they want with me then?

"No," Kira said, struggling against his hold but not going anywhere. "I'm not doing this."

"Are you sure?" He asked, pulling her hand back to the dial. "One of your friends has the power to heal. The other? Not so much."

"What are you doing?" Scott asked, glaring at the man as he tried to pull free. "Is this a game to you?"

"This is a test, lobito." An old lady, I believe she said her name was Araya, said as she walked to the front of us. "Let's see if you pass." Her eyes drifted to me, a sly smile on her face. "If you choose to somehow break free, or anything like that, that's where the Nephalem comes in." She snapped her fingers and a guard from the back of the room walked over with a black suitcase.

"When I was informed that a Nephalem was in my house as well, I thought why not kill two birds with one stone?" She opened the case, pulling out a needle with green liquid in it and holding it on front of me. "This is Zaliapran, the opposite of Calapran. Unfortunately for you, it kills Nephalems."

I looked over at Scott who was watching me as well as she continued, "so if you decide to make any risky moves, I do all of us a favor and kill her."

<^_^< >^_^>

Question: Stiles or Parrish?


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