Chapter 11

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I procrastinated over and over again on this chapter, I don't know why. I just haven't had the urge to write. 

Anyways, I'm obsessed with One Direction's song, 'Night Changes.' I have no idea why, I just am. Plus the music video is genius xD

Okay now a topic relevant to this story. I was recently messaged on here about wanting Erin to be with Derek. It has peeked my curiousity, so my question.

Question: Do you want Erin to be with Parrish or Derek?

Can you take ten seconds out of your time to comment?


 Picture of them beautiful Maya Eshet (actress that plays Meredith) on the side.

<^_^<             >^_^>

Can you take ten seconds out of your time to comment? 

Comment 'Sour Wolf' if you read the whole Author's Note:)

Liam roared, jumping forward as Stiles and Scott held his arms. The water from the shower was soaking Liam, Scott and Stiles getting their arms wet as well. Liam jumped out again and this time I brought my foot up, kicking him in the chest so he would stay under the shower. 

"Gentler would be nice!" Scott yelled at me, which I completely ignored.

I grabbed Liam's shirt, pulling him out of the water. "Calm yet?" He simply roared in reply and I sighed, pushing him back under the stream with Scott and Stiles helping. 

"Okay! Okay!" Liam finally yelled and we sighed in relief, letting him go. I turned off the shower, flicking my arm in an attempt to shake off the water. Liam slid down the wall, sitting on the ground. I moved to sit against the end of the row of lockers, Scott and Stiles remained standing.

"That car you smashed," Scott started, "I thought you said that was your teacher's."

Liam looked down, "He was also my Coach. He benched me for the entire season."

"What did you do?" I asked him while I put my hair in a ponytail. 

He shrugged ashamed, " I got a couple of red cards."

"Just a couple?" Stiles asked, his smartass tone playing. I gave him a look and he held his hands up, trying to play innocent. 

Scott knelt down in from of Liam, "You gotta be honest with us. What else happened?"

"Nothing," he tried, eyes flicking down as an obvious giveaway to his lying, not to mention his heartbeat. 

"Stop lying," I said with a sigh, "just make it easier for all of us."

He slumped down slightly in defeat, "I got kicked out of school. They sent me to a psychologist for evaluation."

"What did they call it?" I asked him, my voice softer now. I had an overall soft spot for Liam, he reminded me of myself when I was younger. Angry and scared, basic summary.

"Intermittent Explosive Disorder." He admitted.

"I.E.D? You're literally an I.E.D?" Stiles asked, his voice full of amusement and stress. I was getting pissed off with Stiles, he has no idea what it's like so he has no right to judge. Sure, I love Stiles, he's one of my best friends, but he's crossing the line here. He gives Scott a thumbs up, "that's great. You gave super powers to a walking time bomb."

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