A/N - Issues Addressed

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This was written when I originally wrote the story.

Well hi. Well we finally reached the end of Maxon's and Red's story. It's been one hell of a ride!

First up I want to say thank you all so damn much for reading, commenting and voting. You've truly taken my breath away with all your support. I thank you from the bottom of my heart to the top and back!

The highest ranking this book received was #4 and believe me when I say OMFG I'M AMAZED!!!!!! I don't know if many people realise this but there's about 17 million wp followers with literally millions of stories on here. So for my story to make it to #4 is an absolute dream come true. Thank you!! 

Ok... serious business now. I'm sorry for making all your hearts stop through this story. I'm sorry that you cried. I'm sorry that things were different to what you were expecting. I know that you all realise that I write very differently to others. I turn the tables on all those cliché moments and make them real cause they annoy me. Life isn't all fun and roses. So please don't expect that from me. Yes there will be some but not on every page.

Through reading through your comments I've laughed, I've cried and yep sometimes I got angry. You've all had such strong feelings about this story!

I need to address something that really got to me and that is the fact that I actually got abused for not writing chapters the way people wanted them. Yeh, don't do that... ever. Abusing me won't get me to do what you want. I make the assumption that people have read the warnings at the beginning of this series.. mature minded people don't take out their dislike of a story on its author.

As for Red being a slut... hell that seriously got to me. She slept with one man after Maxon. ONE!  Yes she went out with another but they never had sex. It didn't feel right to her.  The ONE guy that she slept with she ended up marrying... where does slut come into that?

In the beginning there were calls for Maxon's blood and by the end it was Red who was in the wrong? Wow. So let me get this straight.... he destroyed her life completely and because he said sorry she was expected to fall into his arms? No freaking way. I know if it was me Maxon wouldn't have had a chance in hell to get back with me. He took away everything she needed to survive with no regard what so ever for her child... how could she trust him as easily as what was expected of her?

Why didn't she go running home after she and Sam broke up? Easy. She wasn't ready to be with Maxon at that point. She'd just been dumped by a guy who thought she reminded him of his exwife. Seriously... how would you handle that situation?

Yes,  Jack did say he loved her and yes she loved him too. I tell my friends all the time that I love them. Life's too short not to tell the people you love that you love them.

Now let's look at the fact that Maxon waited for her. So he damn well should! He made her life a living hell and by waiting he proved how much she really meant to him. You have to remember that he saw her on a regular basis to see their daughter, his feelings stayed alive for her... just as hers did for him.

Red isn't the bad guy in this story ad neither is Maxon. If anything you can blame Mr Price... their father. More of that will come out in Hostile Resolve with Grayson's story.

No, Red was never going to be with anyone else. She was always going to end up with Maxon. She married Jack because as a friend she wanted him to experience all the good things in his life that he wouldn't have otherwise. No she wasn't a martyr. She was a friend.. a friend who would always know that she would go back to her one true love eventually.

Why didn't she fall back into Maxon's arms right after Jack died? mmm I don't know.... possibly because she was dealing with a lot of grief... possibly because there would have been people who considered her to be a slut for moving on so quickly... possibly because she wanted to breathe before getting back into another relationship. Fact is, she did take her time and I applaud her for it. She did what she needed to do for herself and her children.

So did you judge Red or not? In my eyes she did nothing wrong. She proved that she was the stronger person after everything she went through. A strong person accepts that you don't need someone by your side to be complete.

As for the worry concerning a possible suicide. I do apologise for that. I can however tell you that at this point none of my main characters will ever go down that line. These Price brothers definitely won't be. They're just too damn sexy!

So I do thank you all so much for following this story. I hope to see many of you following me over to Hostile Resolve to read Grayson's story with Josie. 

So yep, buckle up and stand by because there's another Price brother about to grace my writing desk :)

See you on the flip side!!!!

Be Happy, Be Nice, Be YOU!!!!!

Mari xxxxxx

Maxon's Revenge -BK2 TPBS - Completed 1st draftWhere stories live. Discover now