Chapter 9

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I tuck under the small gazebo in the backyard just as the rain began to start. Perfect timing if I don't say so myself. I drop my bag of materials and let myself catch my breath. That was one long but very much needed run.

I walk up the gazebo steps looking at my old pack house. It is a very old house but it was once my home. Every light in the house seems to be off and I don't hear anyone around... not even wolves guarding the outside. It was easy to get here... too easy.

A puddle begins to form from the rain on the steps and look down at myself. I tilt my head in my reflection, I feel like a dog, a very large dog. The water reflects my blood deep eyes and my wolf's mouth curved into what I would think to be a smirk. Will my eyes always be red when I shift now?

I step back and shift to myself, and attempt to keep my exposed body low to the ground. I hurry to my bag and pull out my clothes, shooing the small spiders and insects that decided to wander nearby.

This gazebo was beautiful once but now it has rotted. It has seen many years and they are catching up to it. The once white wood is now cracked and has a yellow tone to it. Spiders and other bugs decided to make this old thing there home. Mostly spiders have taken over though, the amount of spider webs weaved between the fenced outline of the gazebo and its roof is ridiculous and unsettling.

I pull the hood over my head and over the ball cap I had found deep within Max's closet. My outfit is completely black, I look like I am about to rob this place. I zip my jacket all the way and shove my hands in my pockets. It lets me feel my gun tucked in my yoga pants on my right side giving me confidence and security.

I knew the ins and outs of this house. The front door is too squeaky, it'd automatically alarm someone, nor would I go straight through the front like that anyways. The back door could be an option but it's most likely locked and I did not bring any bobby pins to help myself in. Most windows were probably locked as well but... lucky for me, the kitchen window right above the sink has a broken lock.

When Shawn and I were younger, he managed to break it. The switch to lock had been jammed somehow and he kept trying to get it to move. When it wouldn't budge he got so mad he broke it even more. Franklin never bothered to get it fixed, we were a house full of werewolves, if someone wanted to break in they'd be making a very big mistake.

I make my way towards the house, keeping myself low and out of sight of any windows in case anyone is inside guarding or just awake in general. Again, I don't hear anything, nor do I happen to see a shadow of someone who may be inside. I'd rather be safe than sorry.

The window above the sink is just above my shoulders so I know I'd have to pull myself up and through but it's not something I haven't had to do before.

I peeked inside the house and just as I thought, it's clear so I slowly pushed the window up. It shifts and then slowly slides up. I shake my head at the memory. Thanks Shawn.

I stick my head through and check my surroundings one more time. Knowing no one is around I look for cameras, or traps. I certainly don't see any.

I use my arm strength and pull myself up and into the house all while slowly avoiding the sink faucet. I can tell the sink had been recently used just by the splashes of water at the bottom.

I pulled my all the way through. avoiding the sink faucet in an awkward position. I settle my feet onto the dusty countertops and stand all the way up.

Even with it being pitch black, I still know this home and where everything is. It's pretty much imprinted on the back of my hand. I lived here for how many years again? Plus wolf vision can be a beautiful thing. I can see almost everything. Nightvision.

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