Chapter 23

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This chapter inspired by the song
Can'Get You Out of My Head
By Theory of a DeadMan

One Month Later...

Natsu Dragneel was sitting in his office. He had a stack of paperwork in front of him on his desk, He had been blankly staring at the same report for the last two hours. He had a rough morning. Sleeping through his alarm, putting on two different shoes this morning, getting caught in traffic, he spilled his coffee and got his tie stuck in the elevator. Needless to say, he was not in the best of moods today. He couldn't concentrate. The only thing that seemed to be on his mind, with the exception of his foul mood, was the one thing that could cure his foul mood: Lucy. A smile came to his face just as he thought about her. Everything about her made him happy. Her laugh, her scent, her eyes, her hair, her smart ass wit, her passion about the things she loves. At that moment, Natsu's secretary called him.

"Mr. Dragneel? Mr. Fernandez is here to see you."

"Let him in." he replied. The doors opened and Jellal walked in and sat in one of the chairs in front off Natsu's desk. Jellal saw the paperwork on his desk and whistled.

"Little backed, up are we?" Jellal asked with a raised eyebrow.

"In more ways than one." Natsu muttered, leaning his body and head back in his office chair.

"Didn't you just see her this weekend? It's been four days man. I think you'll live." Jellal said, baiting him.

"Not just like that, you ass! I mean, damn, that never gets old but every day I'm not with her I miss her. I can't tell you how bad I wish the weekends we spent waking up with each other just never ended. I could wake up every day of my life like that. Just cuddling in bed, sharing coffee and cuddling on the couch. Spending time with Happy and just being around her... I love her. I've never been this happy before in my life. I would spend the rest of my life doing everything in my power to make her happy. Jellal, I can't live without her!"

"Why are you proposing to me? I don't like you like that." Jellal responded. Natsu blinked.

"That's it! I'm gonna ask her. That's why I had such a shitty morning and I can't concentrate today. I can't focus unless I know that she's gonna be mine forever."

"Then what are you waiting for?" he said with a smile.

"I gotta do it the right way. Should I do it at Christmas? No, I can't wait that long. I'll figure something out." Jellal smiled as he saw his friend pacing, muttering different ideas.

"Aaaanyway, I did come here for a reason, you hot head." Jellal said, getting Natsu's attention.

"What's up, Scarface?"

"I came to ask you to be my Best Man at my own wedding." He said getting straight to the point.

"Wait, what?"

"That's right. I asked her. She said yes. She loved the ring. No I didn't rob any stores for this one." Jellal said as Natsu opened his mouth to make a smart-ass remark.

"That's amazing, man! I'm so happy for you!" Natsu and Jellal pulled each other in for a bro hug.

"You still haven't answered my question."

"Oh, right! Of course, I will. But, why me?"

"You've been by my side through everything, Natsu. Ever since we were small. And then with everything that happened when you guys found me on the bridge that night. You stayed on my ass the whole time I went through recovery. You helped me out with this amazing job. I couldn't imagine anyone else up there with me."

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