Chapter 20

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Club Scene inspired by the song
Next Contestant by Nickelback

It's been two months since The Love Bug (according to Gray) ran rampant through the club known as Fairy Tail. Speaking of, after the incident when Lucy's ass was slapped, a few more similar events happened with other dancers at the club as well. But the one that made the owner, Makarov, temporarily disband the club for the safety of the employees involved a few of our favorite couples.

The girls were getting ready for another fun night of performing on stage. They were out on the floor mingling in between shows when three cocky young men decided they were going to try and hit on and take home three of our lovely ladies. They talked to the bartenders who, unfortunately for the males (or rather fortunately considering the bartenders were Mira and Cana), refused to give them information on them. They spoke extremely derogatively about the women, not caring who was around to hear. The girls' boyfriends were already not thrilled with them working here anymore after what happened with Lucy, and their costumes tonight were not helping to ease their frustrations.

"C'mon Shrimp, please. Give me a break tonight."

"Luucee!! I don't wanna tear someone's head off tonight. Can't you change or something?"

"Juvia, please don't wear that."

"We don't have a choice. Evergreen designed it for the show tonight so this is what we wear. Besides, the rule is no touchy unless you pay," Levy started.

"And fortunately for you, Mira has taken us off the menu." Lucy finished.

"That means no touchy on us at all." Juvia added.

"That doesn't make me feel better." Natsu grumbled. Gajeel and Gray agreed. The girls giggled and gave their boyfriends a sweet kiss on the lips before performing their show. Afterwards, while the girls were chatting at the bar, the earlier mentioned males attempted to woo our ladies. Natsu's jaw tightened seeing this but held his composure so he wouldn't embarrass Lucy like last time. Another male draped his arms around Juvia. Gray's eyes went wide and he started white knuckling his icy mug of beer. The straw that broke the camel's back was the final man who wrapped his arm around Levy's waist and copped a feel of her breast with the hand on his other arm.

Gajeel flew from his chair and charged the man. He sucker pouched him in the jaw, knocking him out instantly. The other two men went to defend their friend by attacking Gajeel. The girls fled from the area of the bar. Natsu and Gray were behind Gajeel instantly. Natsu roundhouse kicked the man who had tried to hit on Lucy earlier. The force of the kick had knocked his head into the bar itself. Gray had punched the man who had held Juvia in the gut, making him double over, followed by a knee to the face. At this point, many others in the club had started to fight just for the hell of it. Makarov, as small of a man as he was, had a booming voice.

"THAT'S ENOUGH, BRATS!" he screamed. Natsu, Gray and Gajeel all popped their heads out of the current brawl they were in, each holding a nearly unconscious person with their arms cocked back ready to throw another blow. "As of this moment, I am closing this establishment until we can figure out how to keep my children safe from people who would disrespect them! That being said, I want all of you OUT!" he finished.

The guys dropped their victims and slowly turned to look at their girlfriends, fearful of the expressions the expected to find on their faces. When the finally saw them, they were surprised. The girls didn't look pissed that they had essentially got their bar closed.

"You're not mad?" Natsu dared to ask.

"Of course not! Those guys were total creeps!" Levy replied as the girls ran to their men. Lucy snuggled her face into Natsu's chest. Levy jumped into Gajeel's arms and Juvia just laid and rested her head, exhausted, onto Gray's shoulder.

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