Chapter 11

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Backstage at the club

Lucy, Levy, Lissana, Erza and Juvia have taken their showers and are gathering their things to head to Lucy's place for a sleepover.

What's for dinner tonight ladies?" Lucy asks as they grab their purses and are walking out to their cars.

"*cough* birthday dick *cough*" Levy says. Lucy's face put her Erza's hair to shame.

"Fuck you, Levy!" Lucy says.

You could but I don't want sloppy seconds." Levy giggles.

"I fucking hate you right now." Lucy sighs, grabbing her blue hoodie with cat ears.

"Pizza and beer tonight girls!" Juvia shouted.

"Oh my God, yes!!! Pizza!" Lissana moans hungrily. The girls all get in their cars, pick up their drinks for the night, and drive to Lucy's.

As the girls walk through the door, they throw their bags in a corner and make their way to the kitchen to begin stuffing their faces.

"So Lu," Levy starts. "How was he?" Lucy choked on her pizza.

"Damn, Levy ask me when I don't have food in my mouth!" She swallowed her bite and took a breath.

"Okay, so first of off, he has the body of a god! His 8-pack is so ripped! He has to be training somewhere! His chest is just ugh, like each pec was the size of my hand, from wrist to finger tip. It's like it was chiseled straight from marble. He's got really toned legs, his arms are so strong, I could put both my hands around his bicep and my fingers still wouldn't touch! Oh my God, his ass is so sexy! He smells amazing and his hair is so soft! He's got a tattoo on his arm and this goofy grin of his, MMM!" Lucy gushed. The girls just stared at her. "What?' she asked.

"We asked how was he, not what he looked like, Lucy." Lissana said with a mouth full of pizza.

"You were wobblin' a bit after your little side show." Erza said with a smirk. Lucy blushed, tapped her index finger tips together, and mumbled something the girls couldn't hear.

"What was that, Lucy?" Juvia asked.

"..mayer..climixed..times...minutes.." Lucy mumbled just barley louder than before.

"Still can't HEAR you.." Levy sang.

"HE MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE MADE ME CLIMAX THREE TIMES IN TWENTY MINUTES!" Lucy shouted. The girls went wide-eyed and Lissana's jaw dropped, the pizza in her hand falling to her plate. Lucy's hand flew to her mouth realizing what she just said.

"Damn, you go girl!" Levy said as their other friends laughed.

"I am so done with you all." Lucy face-palmed. She took a sip of her beer and says, "So, Levy are you gonna get up with that guy from the club?"

"Yeah, I think I will. He's kinda hot so we'll see how it goes." Levy responds. She pulls out the paper with his name and cell number and then she grabs her phone and starts tapping on the screen. "Text. Sent. So Lissana, you're now on the hot seat. You left backstage pretty quick tonight. Where'd you run off to?" Levy said. Lissana blushed.

"O-oh. The guy I b-brought on stage didn't seem too weirded out by me so I gave him my number. I invited him to a concert with me next weekend. Turns out he's actually cousins with the lead singer of my favorite band!"

"So what does he look like?" Juvia asked.

"Well, he's got dark hair, BEAUTIFUL amethyst eyes, not sure yet if those were contacts yet or not; he's got a pretty gnarly scar in the middle of his face but it kinda reminds me of my voodoo doll tattoos." Lissana then mumbled something they couldn't hear.

"What was that?" Erza said.

"He also waved at me... with his really long tongue." Lissana started to moan just a bit. "He was fucking teasing me, showing me that! I broke character on stage!"

"Damn Lissana, you found a boy toy to match your kinky ass self!" Lucy told her.

"I hope he calls me up on the offer." Lissana sighs. "So Erza, you had a man tonight. How did that go?" Erza paused mid-bite into her pizza. She swallowed her bite, straightened her posture and cleared her throat.

"Well, it's like this..."


Erza is sitting at her vanity, cleaning the syrupy mess off of her body before jumping on to the shower. She looks in her mirror and sees Jellal's reflection. She goes over to him smiling and gives him a huge hug.

"Jellal, it's so good to see you again! It's been ten years!" Jellal rested his hands on her hips and frowned. She was faking her happiness. This isn't like a high school reunion. This was something more. IT wasn't pleasant circumstances that split them up. Erza was trying to put up a front but he wasn't buying it. When she pulled away, she knew she wasn't fooling him. She let her smile fade. Erza dropped her head and her hair shadowed her face.

"Do you have any idea how much I missed you? How much I CARED FOR YOU?! AND OUT OF NOWHERE YOU TELL ME YOU HAVE A FIANCE?! YOU PLAYED ME!" She started shouting.

"Erza, stop." He commanded. Jellal was the only one who could make Erza snap to attention like a solider. Her eyes went wide at his tone. When she looked at his face, she could see a fierce look in his eyes and his jaw set firm. 'My God he is so hot.' She thought to herself.

"I lied. There was never any fiancé. I got into some trouble and I was so ashamed of myself, I couldn't bear to tell you the truth. But I missed you. So much. I cried for you as well. There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think of you." He said softly, cupping her cheek in his warm hand.

Erza leaned into it, a small smile on her lips and a few tears escaped her eyes as she sighed. Jellal pulled her into his lap for a hug and wrapped his strong arms around her, tucking her head under his chin. They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's presence, being with each other again.

"I missed you so much. I'm glad you're back." She whispered to him. He kissed the top of her head and squeezed her gently.

"I've gotta get back to the guys. Who knows what mischief they get into without me there to keep an eye on them? Here's my number." He said grabbing a pen and writing on her hand. "Give me a call and we'll be able to catch up some more. I'll take you out for coffee if you want." She smiled as he kissed her forehead and walked out the door back to the club.

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