Chapter 14

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Following Levy after the Pet Store

Levy walked into her house, tossing her keys into the bowl on the table by the door.

"Lily! I'm home! Look what I gotcha!" She called for her cat. She heard the loud padding of his footsteps coming around the corner. He trotted up to her and bumped his head against hers as she knelt down to him. "Guess what Lily? Momma got you a new friend! Lucy got a new kitty and they're going to come over tomorrow to play with you!" Lily seemed to perk up at this and purr loudly. "Now, look what I've got..." she sang as she pulled out one of his favorite toys, a kiwi. She tossed it towards the middle of the living room and Lily turned and pounced on it. He rolled on his back with the kiwi in his mouth and began pawing at it.

Levy threw herself into her pile of beanbag cushions in the corner of her living room and looked around. One whole wall was nothing but bookshelves. Levy loved to read. Quite a few of her friend's books were scattered through them. Her windows had paisley patterned curtains that gave off a bohemian feel to it. Lily's fluffy bed was on the floor in front of the bay window that she liked to sit in to read, though Lily liked to curl up with her when she read in the afternoon. She looked at the clock. It was four o'clock. Gajeel would be there in an hour.

"Guess I should grab a shower and start getting ready. Where should we go tonight?" Levy thought out loud. She got up and made her way to her bathroom where she took a nice long hot shower. She wrapped a fluffy towel around herself and went to her bedroom to pick out her outfit tonight. She put on some black capris leggings, a plain gray tank top, and a pink, red and brown paisley shawl to wrap around her shoulders.

A few minutes later, her doorbell rings.

Gajeel hears shuffling from the other side of the door.

"Coming! Just a sec!" He hears Levy. The door opens and she stands there smiling.

"Hey Gajeel! Come on in!" Gajeel enters and takes a look around the house. It's small but cozy. In one corner of the room is a faux tree with a thick branch connecting the two conjoining walls.

"That tree's, uh, neat." Gajeel says, trying to think of something to say.

"Oh, that's Lily's. He likes to be up high when he's not playing or cuddling with me. Speaking of," she says, "Lily! Come here! I want you to meet someone!" she calls. All of a sudden, a humongous black cat comes around the corner, nudges Levy's shoulder with his head, then stares at Gajeel.


"Well, no shit." Levy says gently. "I would advise you not to move while he checks you out."

"No problem there." Gajeel grumbles. Lily walked up to the big man, sniffed his hand and pants a bit, then began to rub his head against his leg.

"That's amazing." Levy said shocked.


"He doesn't like just anyone. You can pet him now if you want." Gajeel gingerly extended his hands and began to pat the big cats head. His fur was silky soft. 'Levy really must have done her research with this guy. He's really well taken care of and is basically solid muscle.' He thought to himself. Lily started rubbing his body against Gajeel's legs, purring loudly.

"I did not know big cats purr. That's a new one." He said.

"A cat is a cat, no matter how big. I have a wheelbarrow out back that he likes to sit and lay in like a regular house cat likes boxes. Maybe another time I can show you his enrichment paddock." Levy said.

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