Chapter 16

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Gray sat on the bench at the ice rink, leaned over lacing up his hockey skates. He's wearing just his long, dark green cargo pants and is holding a hockey stick. When he was all laced up, he took a deep breath, the hockey stick laying on his lap while his hands rested on either side, and sighed. He stood up and made his way to the ice rink. Gray was a professional hockey player for the Fiorian Knights. One of the best, in fact. When the head coach had called him in college saying that they wanted him to sign a contract with them, he immediately said yes, never more sure of anything in his life.

But that's why he's here now, isn't it? He's not sure anymore. Oh, no he still wants to be an ice hockey player, there's no question there. No, he's just not sure of his feelings for the Rain Woman from the club. He hasn't been able to stop thinking about her. It's been four days. He's been so distracted at practice that his coach informed him that he could be benched during the next game if he doesn't get his shit together. So he came to the ice rink on his day off. To clear his head, to get his thoughts together.

He slowly skated circles along the perimeter of the rink. He hasn't called her yet. 'Is she upset? Did I make her cry? Why do I care? Why does the thought of making someone I've never officially met cry make me feel so... so... weird? What does she see in me? She doesn't even know me. That Mira lady said she is more perceptive than she looks. Did she see something in me? Why am I getting excited at just the thought of her noticing me? Ugh!! This is so frustrating!!'

Gray was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice someone else enter the rink. By the time he looked up and realized, he had already skated into her. Instinctively, Gray dropped his stick, wrapped his arms around her waist and turned so that when they fell, his back would hit the ice instead of her.

"Uggghhhh....ow." Gray groaned.

"Oh, I am so sorry! I dodn't look to see if anyone was on the ice already! Normally I'm here alone at this time." She said.

Gray looked up into beautiful cerulean eyes. He blinked a few times to clear his vision. They were crystalline and so reflective he could see his own self staring back. It was as if her eyes were made of water itself. Gray noticed one other thing. Her eyes were so...expressive. He saw concern, humor, uncertainty, hesitation and...confusion?

"I'm sorry, have we met before? I'm getting the feeling that I know you from somewhere." She said. It took Gray a moment until he realized it was the Rain Woman from the club! But wait...didn't she want Mira to give her number to him? Did she forget him already? But before hurt could even begin to wash over him, realization, excitement and hope took over those blue eyes.

"Oh wait! You're the guy from the club who couldn't stop staring at me!" Gray blushed. HARD.

"I wasn't the only staring..." Gray mumbled, turning his head away.

"True, but you were the only one not screaming and hollering for me to get fully naked, with the exception of your friends. But I just think that's because they were already interested in my friends." She said. She stood up and held out a hand in order to help Gray stand back up on his skates. He looked at her apprehensively, not thinking she could actually pull him up. "Don't worry. I'm a lot stronger than I look." She said with a smile. Gray took her hand and allowed her to assist him.

"I'm Juvia Lockser." She introduced.

"Gray Fullbuster." He replied. Juvia's heart stopped beating for a minute and her eyes widened ever so slightly. Luckily, Gray didn't notice. Oh My God. It's Gray Fullbuster from the Knights! I can't believe it's actually him! I knew he looked familiar at the club! Juvia regained her composure and said,

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