Chapter Seventeen: End Up Here

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Hello Readers I hope you are enjoying this chapter has a bite of a plot twist Mawahaahahahahaha >:)


        After all of Shay’s classes she came and brought me all my assignments that I missed from all my classes. “Want any help?” Shay says as she watched me sitting at her coffee table trying to do my homework. “Wouldn’t that be cheating of some sort?” I asked looking at her as I was working on my math homework not that I needed help I’m actually really good at math. “Yeah but as you’re teacher I encourage you to let me help you.” She says smiling at me I eyed her “Why’s that?” I asked as she came and sat next to me. “We’ll the fast you finish your homework that fast we get to have some alone time before the nurse comes to check on you again.” She whispers in my ear I felt something in me want to kiss her so I just shook my head. Shay smiles at me and helped me with all my homework and before I knew it we’re making out on the couch.

               I pull away from the kiss and sit up “I don’t want to risk getting caught and if we keep making out I’m only going to want to take things further.” I say looking down at Shay who was looking shocked at me. “Right because the nurse could walk in any moment.” She says and like clockwork in came the nurse. “Okay that wasn’t planed.” Shay says looking at the nurse who was staring at Shay and I from the doorway. “Whatever it was Shay that the two of you were doing I don’t want to know.” Nurse Torrez says shaking her head. “We weren’t doing anything.” Shay says sitting up on the couch smiling did we just get caught or was she just saying that for the fun of it. “We’ll Ella you still have a slight fever but you should be safe to go to classes tomorrow so long as you rest today. Shay I mean it let her rest I know you two like each other I can see it and honestly I don’t care you’re both old enough to make your own choices just be careful.” Nurse Torrez says leaving the room.

               “What the hell just happened?” I asked Shay looked just as confused as I did “I’m not sure.” She says getting up and looking out her door to see if anyone was out there and sure enough Katy was roaming around the halls. Shay shut her door and locked it and walked over to me and pulled me up into her “All I want is to be kissing you every day.” She says kissing me I wrapped my arms around her neck and bite her bottom lip playfully. “I got a job offer to teach at a school in Orange County would you want to move there after graduation?” Shay says pulling away from the kiss and walking over to her door and unlocking it because keeping it locked could be dangerous. “Serious?” I say smiling at her “Shay that’s great when would you be going?” I then say as she comes and sits next to me. “After graduation I was looking at Condos earlier but if you wanted to move in with me I wanted you to help me.” She says opening up her laptop and smiling at me. “Yeah let’s do it.” I say kissing her and then looking at her laptop she sent the school an email telling them she wanted the job. Then we went and looked at condos we found this really nice one and it’s almost like the Condo Shay has now but its bigger and it was a hot tub and well a shower outside for when you come off the beach to wash of the sand and stuff.

               After calling the realtor Shay was told she would be giving the keys when she meets the realtor in a month to finalize the sale. Shay called another realtor to put her condo in Long Beach on sale and then she called Jasmin to see if she could pack up her stuff and put it into a storage unit for her and that she would give her money for doing so and Jasmin agreed. I actually couldn’t believe this was happening it’s almost like a dream. I got up after an hour of talking to Shay about how excited we were I grabbed my books and homework and made my way to my dorm room. I walked in to see Alexia making out with Kayden they stopped when I entered the room and looked at me. “Hey.” I say climbing into my bed and trying to get comfy god I miss Shay’s bed. “So how was sleeping in Shay’s room?” they both ask and I laugh at them. “It was okay she slept on the couch while I took over her comfy bed.” I say looking at picture of the condo Shay and I will be moving into. “What are you looking at?” Alexia asks sitting up against the wall and holding Kayden’s hand. “Nothing Pictures on my phone.” I say hitting the lock button and turning to face the wall. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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