Chapter Seven: Saturday Night

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The Picture on the side is of Kayden Anderson :D

-------Chapter Seven: Saturday Night---------

The best thing about the weekends is I can sleep in. So I didn't get out of bed till noon. I totally skipped breakfast because I was still sleeping. To say I was exhausted would be an understatement. I look over to see the time lunch starts in seven minutes guess I should get dressed. I sit up in my bed to see Alexia tuned into whatever she is watching on Netflix knowing Alexia it's probably a classic movie she's really into the old classics that are still black and white or maybe she's watching a musical. I swing my feet over the side of my bed and all of a sudden here Rocky Horror Picture Show.

I look over at Alexia and roll my eyes she is singing along and dancing to the song 'Whatever Happened To A Saturday Night'. I open my dresser and look through my shirts for the perfect shirt to wear. Then I decided on a red Corset shirt that has attachable sleeves. I attach the sleeves because I'm a little cold. Then I put on my only pair of non tight skinny jeans because there like a blood red color and look sexy awesome with my corset. Then I asked Alexia to help me put on my red and black pinstriped converses.

"You have a good night last night?" Alexia asks looking up at me with a smile.

"It was good I loved playing Left4Dead." I say smiling down at her.

"That's not what I mean, I know you went to Shay's room Ella I wasn't asleep when you to left." Alexia says looking up at me and giving me a wink.

"We...I...It was nice yes I had a good night okay." I say kind of worried still that she might tell. I mean I get that Shay's her cousin and that she wants nothing but the best for her but I'm just a little worried that she'll slip and well get caught. What am I thinking getting involved with my Professor.

"I'm not going to tell chill out." Alexia says looking up at me before adding "Besides isn't it nice having one person you can talk to about this?"

"Yes, I Don't Know. Maybe I should end this." I say before reaching for my crutches.

"Why would you end it you two obviously feel the same for each other?" Alexia asks standing up from the floor.

"Because she's my professor, Because this is totally wrong. I don't know I can think of many reasons. Like she's twenty-six years old and I'm only eighteen." I say looking over to Alexia as we open the door to make our way to the dining hall.

"Okay I get the first major problem, But what does age matter?" Alexia says shutting our door and running to catch up to me.

"I don't know isn't illegal to have sexual relationships with someone who's more then five years older then you?" I whisper over to her as we are in a crowded hallway.

"Um yeah if your under eighteen sweetie and your eighteen I think your fine there." Alexia whispers back laughing.

"Yeah but still she's like eight years older then me and it's like what do we really have in common." I say as my stomach grumbles loudly.

"A lot she's more like a teen then an adult. I mean how many twenty-six year olds do you know that listen to ESTK." Alexia says laughing and slightly hitting my shoulder and we make our way into the dining hall.

We make our way over to the line and wait to get our food. I look at what my options are and deiced on Mac and Cheese. I grab my tray and then make my way over to the table. I sit down in my usual seat and start to eat my lunch.

"Wow look what the cats dragged out of bed." Kayden says laughing as she sits at the table. "we missed you a breakfast."

"Oh yea I couldn't fall asleep last night so I decided to sleep late." I say before taking a sip of my sprite.

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