Chapter Sixteen: Empire State of Mind

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We have officially been back at school for a week and I am so annoyed because all I want to do is be next to Shay and wake up in her arms and I can't. I wish it was May so that I could graduate and run away from this place. I still remember one of the last conversions we had on break Shay asked me if we could live anywhere where would I wasn't to live I told her I needed to think about it and I have been ever since. I want to live somewhere where it's warm but not overly hot if that makes since. I don't like the cold and I don't like it when it's extremely hot. "Earth to Ella." Alexia says waving her hand in front of my face I pull myself out of my thoughts and look at her. "What?" I ask confused looking at the table we're in the dining hall eating lunch.

"I was asking how you're break was." Kenzi says smiling at me I shrug and look behind her to see Shay laughing at her table. "It was okay I guess. I broke up with Alexia and then was stuck with her all the time but other than that it was great I had a fantastic time." I say playing with my food on my plate I haven't really been hungry. "Sorry to hear that you and Alexia where really cute." Amanda says looking over to Alexia who was whispering something in Kayden's ear. I looked at the two of them "Yeah it's whatever I guess." I say getting up from the table and leaving. I went to the bathroom and sat down in a stall. "Ella you okay?" Professor. Boylan asks as she stands out the door. "I don't feel too good." I say as I unlock the door. "Come on let's get you to the nurse." She says holding her hand out to me and I just took her hand and got up and off we went to the nurse.

The nurse took my temperature and confirmed that I was indeed sick with a fever and told Ashley to get my dorm advisor and have her take me back to my room and let me rest and that she was giving me a slip to miss classes for the rest of today day along with next two days so that I could rest. After few minutes Shay came into the nurses office to get me makes since because kids where in the afternoon classes "Ella sweetie let's get you to your bed so you can sleep." Shay says with a worried look on her face like why didn't you say something. I went to get up off the bed but as soon as I got off the bed I felt really dizzy so I sat back down. Shay grabbed my arms and wrapped them around her neck and then grabbed my legs. "What are you doing?" I asked laying my head on her shoulder confused. "Well if you can't walk I'll piggy back you up to dorm and then to your room." Shay says as we make our way to the dorms.

Next thing I know I am being put in my bed and she's tucking me into my bed I must have dosed off on the trip up here. I looked at Shay as she was pulling my covers up she leans down and kisses my forehead. "Rest up love I'll bring you some soup after my last class is over." Shay says as she goes to leave my room. I closed my eyes and fell off to a comforting sleep. I woke up with this filling in the pit of my stomach like something was going to happen and I got up and ran to the bathroom. I must have spent five minutes in there. Before heading back into my room. I open the door to see Shay sitting at the end of my bed she looked up at me with sadden eyes. I climbed back into bed and sighed "I hate being sick." I groan as I try and get comfy again. "What can I do to make you feel better?" Shay asks as she moves the hair away from my eyes. "Find me a bathroom that's closer to my room." I say as I close my eyes hoping that I get better soon.

Shay left the room my guess to go get food or something she's like Alexia always hungry. I saw Alexia walk in a little bit after she left and sit on her bed. "Shay's in a heated conversation with the headmistress. Think you two might have gotten caught?" Alexia says looking at me concerned I sat up straight "How the only people who actually know are Kayden and you?" I say panicking finding it almost hard to breathe. "I didn't say you got caught I was just joking sorry Ella." Alexia says coming over and comforting me trying to calm me down. I wanted to kill her I'm sick the last thing I needed was to find out Shay lost her job.

After a hour Shay came walking into the room with a smile on her face and I was confused. "Come with me?" Shay says as she grabs me a couple pairs of closes. "Where are you talking me?" I ask confused as to way she was grabbing clothes. "My room." Shay says smiling at me as we walk up to her door. "This is only till she gets better Shay you understand me there are all these rumors that going around about the two of you and I know it's not true because you are one of my best teachers and well Kayden reassured me that you are in a relationship with some girl names Jasmin said she met her at you're place." Headmistress Anderson says giving me a smile "Get better soon Ella." She then says before giving my arm a gentle squeeze and walking down the hall.

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