Chapter Five: Give Me A Reason

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pter the side picture will be Katy Connor :D

------------Chapter Five: Give Me A Reason----------

I just sit up in bed turn of my alarm and stare at Alexia who's staring at me with a smile. I slowly turn and swing my legs off my bed. I grab out my sweat pants since I wont get in my jeans with this cast. Then grabbed my Red and Black pinstriped t-shirt and put it on. I needed help with my shoes so Alexia helps me.

"So have a nice bath last night?" Alexia asks looking up at me with a majestic smile on her face.

"Lexia what the fuck are you watching my every move or something?" I asked kind of scared.

"What no I just know you can't get casts wet and I know Shay has a Tub in her room because I use it sometimes." Alexia says laughing at the fact she scared the shit out of me.

"Well that's not creepy at all." I say slightly pushing her and laughing.

We both laugh and then get up and make our way toward the door. We almost walked straight into Katy as she was going into the bathroom. She glares at us but we just laugh and went back to walking. As we are making our way to the dining hall we ran into Kenzi and some girl whose name I didn't get but she looked like an Amanda but who knows. Alexia maid small talk and then we continued our way to the dining hall I got blueberry pancakes and Alexia got strawberry waffles.

Shay came over and gave me a pill which I took and then went back to eating my breakfast she decided to join our conversion on what our dream first dates would be. which was kind of funny and I was right that random girls name is Amanda and she is Kenzi's younger sister. After the bell went off I made my way to my first class Prof. Midler's I was a couple seconds late but not my fault I cant walk that fast on crutched.

I walk in and take my seat and start to take notes. She goes on and on about how this chemical react with this chemical and blahh blahh blahh your basic chem. crap. About and hour of listen and doing notes the bell finally goes off. I put my books in my bag and wait for everyone to leave before getting up out of my chair and making my way slowly to math class. I see Shay and smile gosh she looks gorgeous today she's wearing a blue skit with a white button down shirt and a butterfly necklace.

I make my way to my desk and sit. I look at her and smile as I pull out my books and open it up to take notes that I probably won't take. She starts to write notes on the board and teaching the class and I just watch her. I did take some notes because I noticed this on kid staring at me so I thought it'd be best if I started to pay attention before she told the teacher that I was staring at her which I am sure Shay would love to hear. Almost half way threw the class all I felt was a pain in my knee. I tried so hard to kick the pain away but I couldn't. I felt like wanting to scream and kick my feet like a two year old on Christmas who didn't get what they wanted. Instead I raised my hand and waited for her to notice.

"Yes Ella do you have a question?" Shay asks looking at me with a smile.

"No Professor, my knee really hurts I was wondering if I could get a pill." I say kind of upset at the fact of having to interrupt the class for something so stupid.

"Ohh yes that's not a problem one second Ella." Shay says as she goes to her bag and pulls out my bottle of pills and takes out one and then she walks to the small mini fridge in her room and pulls out a bottle of water and then hands them both to me.

"Thank You. By the way that answer is wrong 64 squared is not 4,086 its 4,096." I say with a smile before taking the pill.

Shay looks over at the board and then looks back at me with a smile.

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