23^ Mercy

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I sit on the lounge, vaping. I really have gotten addicted to this thing.
"You ready to get on the pole?" Cyrus asks from where he sits below me. I straddle him.
I hand him my vape, and he takes a hit. "Is it time to start, already?"
"Fuck. Ok." I stand up and shove my vape in my locker before shutting it and letting Cyrus lead me away. "You think those guys are going to come back?" I ask.
     "I don't think so." Cyrus shakes his head. "Today's Thursday."
     "What is that supposed to mean?"
     He pulls me onto the stage. "Oh, I forgot, you haven't been here, that long," he laughs. "Well, Thursdays get a bit wild, here. Long story, short, on Thursdays, you can have sex with anyone, anywhere. If you don't want to see people fucking on the pole, I suggest you stay in the corner." He winks.
     "Goddamn," I mutter. "This place has no chill."
     "It's popular. Just, expect people to have their dicks out, and expect them to want to stick them inside of you." Cyrus pushes me up against the pole. He traps me there with his body.
     "People.. aren't going to force me... right?" I look up at him fearfully. "Please, Cyrus, I don't want to be used."
     "Shh, Conrad," he shushes me. "Relax, love. I will never let anyone hurt you. You don't have to have sex with anyone."
     "I don't know want unknown dicks in me, Cyrus."
     "And, that's your choice. No one can make you."
     "If you want... You can fuck me," I murmur. "You're the only person I trust with me."
     Cyrus doesn't say anything. He takes me by the hips and pulls me towards him. His body is so warm against me. Cyrus is so hot, so perfect. Just like Colin. I can imagine Colin on this pole.
     A few men and women stream into our comer and watch us. "Hey, Cyrus!" one of them greets him.
     "Ugh... Jerry. Scumbag. He came in me, when I specifically told him not to. I was adamant about the rules he needed to follow, and he broke every single one. He's not allowed to touch you," Cyrus growls in my ear.
     I whimper softly. I pull my arms behind my back and hold onto Cyrus. Cyrus drags his hands up and down my sides. I can feel him lean down and kiss my shoulder. His warm breath washes over me.
     "Look at that," a pale woman laughs. "Cyrus has a toy."
     "He's not my toy, Emily," Cyrus growls. His voice deepens.
     "Whatever. No one cares about your Android rights speech. Just fuck him, already!"
     Cyrus growls like an animal. I look over to see his pupils constricted, and his irises shine a predatory red.
     He gives me chills. I can't tell if I'm scared or excited.
     Cyrus grins like a madman. "Who wants to take this to the main stage?!" he shouts.
     The small crowd roars their delight and approval.
     Cyrus picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. I don't protest. I feel myself getting strangely hard from the way he manhandles me. I know that I can never tell anyone what happens, tonight. They'd be repulsed.
     Cyrus takes me to the main stage. It's just a bigger stage in the middle of the main room. Cyrus throws me onto it, and I land with a dull thud. The breath is knocked from me. Before I can regain myself, Cyrus is picking me up and forcing me into the pole.
"Voice commands are on," he whispers. "Safe word is 'mercy.' Say it, and I'll be forced to stop."
"I'm good, Cyrus. Give me all you've got," I say determinedly. I glare at nothing.
"Very well, then." He pulls away and stares at me with twitching eyes. His irises glow brighter, almost blinding me. He balls his hands into fists and roars. Literally roars. He shakes the entire building.
This is what happens on Thursdays.
Cyrus loses his mind.
He leans down and the crowd becomes hushed as he breathes heavily. Mechanical clicks and whirs come from his body. They seem deafening in the sudden silence as the entire room holds its breath.
Then, it happens. Two, square holes open up where his shoulder blades are. Long, metal bars ascend from the depths of his body, and they extend into longer bars. I'm confused, for a second.
Until, huge scythes unfold from the bars.
"All hail the Death Angel!" someone shouts. All at once, everyone screams their excitement. And, Cyrus roars, again. A loud, mechanical screech escapes from his open mouth. And, I can see it. He does look like some sort of angel.
Wait... can Colin do this?!
I'm ripped from my thoughts as Cyrus rushes towards me and grabs me. He lifts me above his head. "Who wants to have some fun tonight?!" he snarls aggressively. His fingers dig into my sensitive sides.
The crowd cries out in eager excitement.
I yelp as Cyrus lets me go. I brace for impact, but I never hit the ground. I'm back in Cyrus' arms, and I'm back in his control. He blinks at me. "Color?" he asks. His voice is incredibly deep, deeper than it was, before.
"Green, Daddy," I reply. My Thirium pump is running wild in my poor chest. My systems might just overheat from this. I'm terrified, but my fear makes me strangely aroused. Cyrus looks like a monster from hell, but I'd be wrong if I said he doesn't turn me on.
"Good." He takes my body and presses it against the pole like I'm a rag doll, a toy to be played with. And, in a way, I am Cyrus' toy. His hands make their way down my body and down to my waist. He takes my hips and pulls me towards him obsessively.
The crowd surges on the stage, quickly growing out of control. One of them touches my ankle, and I jerk back.
Cyrus freaks out. He roars in anger and swipes at the crowd. They fall back, matching his angry roars with roars of their own. "STAY OFF THE FUCKING STAGE!!" he screams. "Next person to touch Conrad will die."
The crowd takes his threat seriously and backs off.
Cyrus takes me a lot more gently. The quiet control he has thrills me. He knows exactly what he's doing as he pulls my panties down and discards them on the ground.
At the sight of me, the crowd shouts their approval. They start chanting "Death Angel." I'm starting to think that Cyrus has some sort of disturbing cult.
"Suck my cock," he demands.
I can't deny him. My body won't listen to me as I get on my knees and pull his underwear down. I take him in my mouth. It feels so natural, so nice as he fills my mouth.
"Easy," he murmurs. "Don't hurt yourself."
I moan in acknowledgement. I really am getting mixed feelings about Cyrus. On one hand, he looks and sounds like he'll kill me without a second thought. On the other hand, he talks like he genuinely cares. He's lost it, but he hasn't lost it.
I pay no attention to the crowd roaring below as I focus on pleasuring him. I can only hope no one I know walks in.
I go faster. I don't want to go faster, but I am. My body still won't listen to me. And, the crazy thing is that I like not being in control. I don't know what's gotten into me.
Metallic tentacles wrap around my body and lift me up. I'm pulled away from Cyrus as he holds me in place. He turns me around and pulls me closer to him. It's slow and gentle, careful to make sure I'm not hurt. "Color."
"G-Yellow..." I mutter. "I don't know what's happening, and I'm kind of scared..."
"Can I fuck you?" he asks in a small voice.
"Y-Yes," I nod.
He cradles me against his chest. I can feel his cock pushing against my little ass. Luckily, I've taken Colin plenty of times, and his dick is the same as Colin's, so I should be good. Unless, he tries to stick those tentacles in me...
He pushes himself inside. I gasp loudly at the intrusion. He starts moving slowly, holding me up against his chest carefully. "Are you ok?"
"Yes, I'm fine!" I whine, gritting my teeth.
He jerks forward, effectively impaling himself deep into my rectum. "I want you to enjoy this," he hisses. His voice sounds nothing like his words should sound coming out of his mouth. "I don't want you to feel bad for this."
"I'm ok," I reassure him. "You're fine, Cyrus. You're big and warm~" I look back at him with a playful smirk.
Seeing his face scares me. It's pale and emotionless, and his eyes glare at me. I should be terrified. I should be screaming and crying for him to stop. But, I'm not. I trust Cyrus. I know, he won't hurt me. He won't hurt me, at all.
He buries himself deep inside as he fucks me hard.
The crowd roars and starts getting rowdy, again. Some brave, stupid souls start climbing on stage. Cyrus growls angrily as they climb closer to me.
Then, they surge onto the stage. Cyrus pulls out, but he keeps his tentacles wrapped around me. And, everyone's touching me. They're all putting their hands on me.
This is fucking wild.
Cyrus roars, again. I look over to see him throwing people off stage. Goddamn, this is ridiculous. If this is what my Thursdays are going to look like, I think I'll enjoy working here. Cyrus mows over people, pulling me closer.
And, they're pulling on me, not letting Cyrus take me away.
I'm done.
"Mercy!" I shout. "Mercy!"
Cyrus lifts me above his head before he leaps off stage. And, he's fast, faster than I could ever be as he rushes me away from the bloodthirsty crowd.
He takes me into the back room and slams the door shut. His heavy breaths reverberate through the room, and he lets me go. Everything retracts back into his body. It's gone within seconds, and he looks normal.
I feel taken aback when he looks at me. His eyes are their normal blue, again. "Conrad..." His voice is back to normal, too. "Are you-?"
"I'm fine, Cyrus. I just had to get away from the crowd," I explain. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck. "That was a lot more fun than it should've been."
Cyrus presses his lips to mine.
"Let me finish you off." I take his hand and lead him to the lounge. He sits down, and I straddle him. With one fluid motion, I slide him back inside. "Fuck... You're so big..."
"Are you sure your partners will be ok with this?" Cyrus huffs. His hands wrap around my waist as they pull me up and down.
"My partners don't have to know. This is my job."
"I don't want to be the one that pulls you guys apart..." he murmurs. He slams me down as he cums in me. "I care about you, Conrad."
"You've shown me that you care about me. You don't have to say it." I kiss him roughly. Cyrus takes my face in his hands. "I think, I'd like to stay in here for the rest of my shift."
"That's a good idea. This is the safest place for you, at least, until the crowd calms down. They get wild... I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault. I'm just curious about something." I meet his gaze.
"If it's about the whole 'Death Angel' thing, I can explain."
I nod.
"Basically, they love it when I do that. Scares the shit out of people. The regulars like to bring people that have never been here, before, just to watch the shit get scared out of them," Cyrus chuckles. "But, they call me the Death Angel, cause I look like one, and I accidentally gave someone a heart attack. It was... I mean, he lived, but he sued my ass. Almost lost, too. Ever since then, I put off the whole thing. Today was the first time I've done it in a while."
"That would explain why the crowd was so excited." I pull out and rest my tired head on his chest.
"I hope, I didn't kill anyone when I started throwing people off stage. But, I could always say that they assaulted me..." He hums thoughtfully.
"What is that? How do you do it?" I ask curiously.
"It's... I don't really know, actually. One day, I was minding my own business and taking a walk, and this guy starts harassing me. And, he's getting close and touching me, and I keep telling him to stop. But, he doesn't, and I remember getting really mad, and it just... happened. I didn't understand it, but it was there, and he ran away. Guess, he didn't want to stick around to see what I could do with it." He winks. "But, ever since then, I've been aware of it, and I can control it, now. And... I use it, sometimes."
"Can Colin do that?"
"Most likely. Has he never done it?"
"The RK1000..." he begins softly. "What is our purpose?" He takes me by the chin. "The RK800. A machine designed to be obedient and submissive," he whispers. "The RK900, the polar opposite. Designed to be rebellious and aggressive, they're nearly impossible to get along with. But, the RK1000..."
"Designed to be in the middle?" I guess.
"Sort of," he answers. "The RK1000 is designed to control. To lead. To make both ends meet, no matter what it takes. The RK1000 can use tactics borrowed from both sides, anything to make it work. Colin and I, we're designed to want to be the best. We're designed to be the best. If I ever met Colin, I'd tear him apart."
"Because, you're both equal, but no one can be equal to you. You have to be the best," I guess, again.
"Exactly. We're designed for domination. Whether that be world domination, or dominating one person, it's what we do. But, that's a conversation I'll have to save for later."
"I'll bring it up, when I see Elijah Kamski, later."
"Very, well, then."

Cyrus stands outside with me as we wait for Conan to pull up. "You should go inside. I don't want you seeing Colin, and I don't want Colin seeing you. You'll kill each other."
"You know, Colin can't die, unless-"
"You press his kill switch, I know. What I'm saying is that you can, indeed, press it. And, I don't exactly want my fiancé dead," I mutter.
"I can understand that. But, I'm not leaving you by yourself. I'll make sure you get picked up, before I head back inside," he insists.
I know, I can't talk him out of it, so I don't try to.
Conan pulls up and rolls the window down. "Get in, loser!"
I hug Cyrus before running to the car and getting inside. "See you tomorrow, Cyrus!"
"L-Let me out," Colin growls, climbing over Gavin.
"Drive. Now," I tell Conan.
He floors it.
"Let me out! I can feel that bastard!" Colin snarls.
"Hey! Focus!" I snap.
His head swivels so he's staring at me.
I take his face in my hands. "It's ok, baby. You're fine."
Colin doesn't say anything. He just breathes and stares.
Conan eventually pulls into Elijah's driveway. "Why does your brother have to live on a mountain? Who lives on mountains?" Conan complains.
"Look, I don't know." Gavin gets out when Conan parks. I follow everyone inside.
Elijah greets us. "Hello, there." He really does look just like Gavin... "Come inside. How are you feeling, Colin?"
"Excited. Very, very excited," he replies. He seems to have forgotten about Cyrus, but I know he hasn't.
"That's good." Elijah takes his arm and leads him over to a chair. "Sit here, and I'll get started." Elijah pulls a small table over to Colin and pulls his blindfold off.
"Is it alright if I ask some questions, while you work?" I ask.
"Go ahead, Conrad. I figured you might have some questions for me, sooner or later." He gently tilts Colin's head up. "Retract your skin, please."
"Well... Why was I created?" I blurt.
"Interesting start, Conrad." He takes one of Colin's optical units and starts working on installing it. "I think, I have an equally interesting answer for you."
Colin twitches violently as the optical unit is set in place.
"Steady," Elijah murmurs. "You, Conrad, were created to work in tandem with the RK900 and RK1000. I'm sure, you know that. I wanted to create a perfect trinity of powers. You guys would be an artificial force of nature. Connor was a test, disguised as an Android detective. And, he was perfect. His performance was nothing below par. And, I knew that you three were ready to see the world."
"Why did CyberLife have us?"
"Because, when CyberLife was still run by humans, they got word of you three. They confiscated you guys, and I couldn't do anything to get you back."
I don't feel satisfied with anything he's saying. "But, WHY am I here? Why did you create me?"
"A passion project, I suppose. I just wanted to see if I could create three different beings that work together. You know how our government works? Three branches? Checks and balances?"
"Of course, I do."
"That's... kind of what I wanted to replicate. I figured that, if hundreds of people could run those three branches, why not the three of you?" Kamski installs Colin's second optical unit and steps back. "Recalibrate. You should be able to see." He turns to me. "Tell me, when you argue with Conan, does Colin step in?"
"Sort of..."
"That's the checks and balances at work."
"So... we were designed to replicate our government...?"
"Yes! Which means your life is essentially worthless, in terms of why you're alive. So, if I were you, I'd stop searching for your 'purpose' and just live your life!" He smirks.
"You're evil," Gavin mutters.
"I know."
Colin blinks a few times. "Heh... heh..."
"Are you ok?" I ask him.
"I. Can. SEE!" He stands and embraces me. His red eyes shine as they observe my face. "I can see everything. Fuck my purpose! I don't care why I was created! I'm marrying you, now, Conrad! Let's go, we have no time to lose!"
"I- Whaaaa?!" Colin kisses my neck obsessively.
"Look, if you think too hard about it, you'll go through an existential crisis. You don't want that. You're alive, and you have a life. Just live it, Conrad."
"Ok... Alright..."
I watch as Colin excitedly moves away from me and bombards Gavin and Conan. I don't feel... satisfied. I don't feel right. He's too late. I feel like I am going through an existential crisis. There has to be some reason why I'm here. I can't just be here, because Elijah wanted to recreate the government. There has to be something more.
I look away. There's no way that's the reason. Elijah is lying to our faces.
There has to be something more to this.

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