10^ Breaking Free

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I stare at the TV while I sit on Colin's lap. He still hasn't gotten rid of the virus, yet, but it looks like he's making progress. He twitches and glitches a lot less, and he seems to be more in control of himself than he was, at first. I can especially tell, because he defies Tord's orders on the daily. Granted, it's been three days since our capture, but still.
Tord says that he's not allowed to touch me, but he does. He does so much more than just touch me. He kisses me behind Tord's back, holds my hand when he's not looking, and he even jerked me off when we were alone, yesterday. Slowly, but surely, he's reclaiming me, showing Tord that I'm his. He's taking me back from when Tord used me.
These are all clear signs that Colin is regaining control of himself, but it's... odd. I'm almost certain that Tord knows exactly what's been happening, but he hasn't don't anything about it. The more he waits, the more scared I become.
Colin grabs the remote and changes the channel. It's the news. I look up at him, confused. "Just watch." So, I turn back to the TV, and what I see makes my heart freeze up.
It's Conan. He looks annoyed. I'm assuming that he's heard the news and knows the story, and that's why he's so annoyed. I can't be sure, though. But, Conan's on the news, glaring at the camera like it's Colin.
     "Is there anything else you'd like to add?" the news anchor asks. We seem to have missed a lot of it.
     "Yeah," Conan holds his hand out. On his palm, a picture of Colin forms. "If anyone sees this man, no matter when or where, call the police immediately. He's dangerous and can't be left alone. I-I want him incarcerated, and, if that's not enough, then I want him dead.
Conrad? Colin? If you're watching this, just know that there are squad cars waiting for you in front of Hank's house. I'm not letting you get away."
     I watch with a heavy heart as he lowers his hand. His steel blue eyes pierce me through the screen. It feels like he can see me, even though, I know, he can't.
     "Conan," Connor says, coming up behind him. "Relax a little. I'm sure they're fine."
     "Fine? Fine?!" Conan explodes. "Colin just whisked Conrad away in the middle of the goddamn night, and you're saying that it's fine?! Conrad could be dead!"
     "But, I'm not!" I cry out, leaning towards the screen. Colin holds me tighter. I almost feel stupid for yelling at a TV screen.
     "Ok, well, what about Colin? He loves Conrad. I highly, highly doubt that Colin would ever hurt him," Connor says, brushing his fears away.
     "What about Colin?" Conan asks. "I don't care about him. I hate him, and this is why. He's dangerous, and all of you are too stupid to even see the threat that he poses to Conrad."
     "Conan, you're being unreas-"
     "My best friend is gone! He's... gone..." Conan, defeated, walks away from the camera.
     Connor watches him leave before turning back to the camera. "You should leave..." he mutters.
     I can see the distress in his eyes, and the fatigue in his expression. I can easily tell that Connor hasn't slept since we've been gone. Granted, Androids don't need sleep like humans do, but we need to, at least, rest a bit.
     "We have to get out of here," I tell Colin.
     "I know..."
     The door opens, and we both look back to see Tord. He's alone, but he has a small box. "Good evening, Conrad. Colin," he greets. He approaches us and puts the box on the couch. It's full of sex toys. My heart drops. I know what he's going to do with these. "I got us some toys to play with. It's time for your punishment."
I frown fearfully. "D-Don't hurt me..." I beg in a whiny voice.
     "That's not how it works, Conrad. You should know that." He jumps over the back of the couch and grabs me pulling me off of Colin's lap. Colin stands up. His hands grope me everywhere, easily putting me in my place.
     "Hands off," Colin growls.
     "Shut up, tin can," Tord snarls back to him. He pulls my pants off and strokes me. I'm not even hard, and it doesn't feel good.
     Colin snarls louder, looking like a rabid animal. I guess, that's what happens to him when people put their hands on me. "I said: hands off!" He pushes Tord away.
     "You-!" Tord grabs him, but Colin's too strong for him. He lifts Tord up and throws him, slamming him against the wall. Tord doesn't move.
     "Let's go," Colin murmurs in my ear, dragging me away by the hand. I follow him, running after him desperately.
     "You got rid of the virus?!" I cry, letting him pull me out of the door.
     "Yeah! When he touched you, something in me just snapped. I eliminated it. It's gone. And, it's never coming back," he promises, kissing my hand.
     "Wait! We can't go home!" I stop, making him stop, too.
     "Why no- oohhh... yeah," he mutters, looking down. "They'll be waiting for us. Maybe, that's not a bad thing?"
     "They're going to arrests you, for sure!" I cry out, clinging onto him. "I can't lose you."
     "I did nothing wrong. They have no charges against me. They'll still need to interrogate me."
     "No!" I press myself against him. "Please..."
     "Conrad, would you rather stay here, where it's dangerous, or go back home and talk things out? It'll be fine if we go home," Colin promises, looking into my scared eyes.
     "Neither! Let's run away. We can make a new life! We don't have to stay here!" Tears prick my eyes, brought on by my fear.
     He shakes his head. "Being on the run is no life, Conrad."
     I fall silent.
     After a few moments, he turns and starts running, pulling me along with him. My feet feel heavy, and they drag along the ground. As a consequence, I trip and fall, crying out as I hit the ground. Colin comes back for me. "On my back," he orders. "Quick."
     I get up as fast as I can and jump on his back. Before I'm ready, he stands and starts running, again. He adjusts me as he runs, twisting and turning through alleys, keeping a steady pace.
     He stops when we reach Hank's house, my house. "I can walk," I murmur, sliding off of his back. He nods and leads me towards the house by the hand.
Three squad cars sit in front of the house. It looks like they're vacant, but I know better. As we approach, the doors get thrown open, and police officers file out. Their guns are aimed at us, like we're some criminals or something.
I recognize Conan and Gavin as they stand in front of the line of officers. They also have guns pointed at us.
Colin pushes me behind him, looking around cautiously. "Colin! They're going to kill you!" I whisper-yell.
"They wouldn't dare." He reaches back, takes my hand, and gives it a reassuring squeeze.
I peek out from behind him.
"Hands in the air! Now! No sudden moves, or I'll shoot!" Conan's voice rings out in the quiet air.
I watch as Connor and Hank stand beside them. Connor doesn't have a gun, but Hank does. However, he doesn't aim it at anyone. He just has it.
"I don't know why you're aiming at me," Colin begins, his voice ringing out loud and powerful. "Bullets don't hurt me. Shoot me. Go ahead. Nothing will happen," he challenges. "You don't have to threaten me into submission. You know that I'll obey."
Conan lowers his gun and walks forward, approaching us. "Conrad." He reaches his hand out to me. "I need you to come with me."
I shake my head immediately. "No. No way. I'll die before I go anywhere with you."
"Conrad, please. We can't do anything unless you're in safe hands."
"Colin's hands are safer than yours."
He sighs heavily. "You're being stubborn."
"No, you're being jealous. You just want Colin to get in trouble, because you're a jealous asshole. Leave us alone. He did nothing wrong," I argue with him.
"Maybe not, but we still need to interrogate him. We still need to investigate. I'm sorry, but I can't just let him go," Conan argues back.
"Then, take me with him. Arrest me, too," I insist.
Conan looks up at Colin. "You'll obey, huh? Then, obey me, and tell him to come with us," Conan demands.
Colin shakes his head. "I'm not going to make him do something he doesn't want to do. I'm not like that."
Conan growls before pointing his gun at my head. "I'm sick of this. Come with me, now, or I'll shoot."
"Conan! Don't you dare raise a gun to my brother's head!" Connor roars.
His voice scares me. Conan scares me. He's ready to kill me. I thought we were friends. I start crying, breaking down, scared out of my mind.
Conan's eyes widen, and his hand shakes, but he doesn't lower his gun.
Colin stands in front of me, pushing me behind him, keeping me safe, shielding me from the gun. "You're scaring him. Put the gun down, lower your voice, and clam down. Let's be diplomatic, ok?" Colin murmurs, compromising with him.
Out of nowhere, I can hear a car revving in the distance. Two cars drive up, and I cling onto Colin. "Tord!" I sob. "That's Tord! He's here!"
As they get out of the car, Colin grabs Conan's gun and twists around, protecting me with his body. The nine of them raise their guns and open fire, shooting at Colin, Conan, the officers behind us, everyone.
Colin shoots back at them, quickly taking out Tord with three shots. With their leader dead, they panic, running away. A squad car follows them, leaving two of them left. Colin continues to shoot, taking down three more before he stops. And, I recognize them. Wes, Malcolm, and Darius. All of them dead.
     I find myself shaking and sobbing. My whole life is falling apart before my eyes.
     "Colin," Conan says in warning. "Put the gun down."
     "When you raised this gun to Conrad's head, you terrified him. You never lowered that gun. You never cared about him," Colin snarls. "So, why should I lower my gun? I thought, you were his friend? You really do hate me, Conan. Admit it." Colin rounds on him, raising his voice. "You never fucking cared about Conrad! You just want to get rid of me!" He steps forward, raising his voice higher. "When I'm armed, you fear for your life, when I would never hurt you. If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead. If I wanted you all dead, you'd all be dead!"
     "C-Colin!" I scream, breathing heavily, hyperventilating.
     He turns back to me and throws the gun to the ground as he runs to me. I'm immediately enveloped in his arms, which are warm and safe. A second home, even. "Shhh, hush, hush, babyboy, you're fine. You're ok."
     "Y-You just killed four people! Of course, I'm scared of you shooting me!" Conan yells.
     "That was self defense, Conan. They fired at me, first. You never fired at me, so I won't fire at you."
     "Shut the fuck up, Conan!" I scream. "You know all about the things those four pieces of scum did to me, and you did jack shit! Now, when Colin shows up, all of a sudden, you hate him! Fuck you! You backwards hypocrite! Go, fuck yourself!" I cling onto Colin, sobbing, wanting nothing more than for all of this to just be over.
     Connor shoves Conan away. "I can't sit here and watch him cry, anymore. Get the fuck back, before I crush you, Conan!" Connor demands.
     Conan obeys immediately. Even he knows not to fuck with Connor when he's pissed.
     "Colin..." I whine quietly.
     "Hush, hush," he whispers. "I promise, it's ok. I promise, I promise." His voice is hushed and soothing as it washes over me.
     "Colin, please, don't leave. Please, don't leave," I beg. "Please, please, not after this. I need you!" I sob, burying my face in his chest.
     Connor turns around. "The situation is under control!" he announces. "Get a coroner and deal with these bodies."
     "The situation is under control, Conan. Do not make me repeat myself."
     I don't watch to see where they go or what they do. I don't care. All I care about is Colin staying with me.
     Before I know it, he's picking me up, bridal style, and he's carrying me to the house. I'm still crying, though I'm trying my best to calm myself down. "Babyboy, baby," he murmurs. "It's ok, baby."
     I'm almost not listening to him. His chest is so warm and comfortable. All I want is to be wrapped in his arms as he comforts me. All I want is him.
     He sits on the couch and cradles me. I let him place kisses on my forehead and cheek, slowly lowering to my jawline and neck. Slowly, but surely, my Thirium pump slows down as I calm myself.
     Colin lays back, hugging me to his chest. "Things are going to be rough for a while, Conrad, but, I promise, it will be ok."

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