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• Sammy •

After Kylie leaves I feel a little disappointed because I was hoping she'd stay and hangout with me and Skate a little longer but whatever.
My phone goes off in my lap and I look at the text.
FROM: Kylie 😍😋
Hey. ;) whatcha up to? Wanna meet me by the bathroom?

TO: Kylie 😍😋
I thought you were going to bed?

I can't help but smile as I type the text back. It's obvious she wants me or something.... 😏😉☺️
I go check Twitter real quick.
"Should we just leave Kenny and Shelby on the couch or wake them up?" Skate asks.
"Uhhh they could just stay there. I don't feel like waking either of them up." I reply back.
"Very true. I feel like if we woke them up Shelby wouldn't be very happy. She's just that vibe coming off of her."
"Ya. Agreed." I get a text back from Kylie.

FROM: Kylie 😍😋
Maybe. Maybe not. Just come here. 😋🙈

TO: Kylie 😍😋
Haha. Okay.

"Well I'm gonna head to bed now. Night Skate." I tell him.
"Night Sammy." He replies.
I get up and go to the back of the bus where the bathroom is and am greeted by Kylie.
"Hey." She says with a smile, biting her lip a bit. Damn that's hot. Very hot.
"Hi." I grin. "What's up?"
"Not much. I don't know..... I'm not tired but I don't really wanna hangout with anyone. I mean I do but whatever." She laughs nervously. "Anyways.... I'm bored and stuff."
"So whatcha wanna do?"
"I don't know...."
Somehow we end up in the bathroom, with the door locked and my pants and boxers pulled down and my dick in her mouth. I don't know it just kinda ya know happened..... *shrug emoji*
"Holy shit baby girl. When I said show me what that mouth do, I didn't think it would be this good. Damn." I moan in pleasure.
She pulls back and smirks at me. "What's that supposed to mean Mr. Wilkinson?" She giggles.
"I don't know. You just seem so innocent. Who knew you were so good at pleasuring a-" I suck in a deep breath as she puts her mouth around my dick again, sucking a little harder and what not. "Holy shit." I say, about to cum. "Kylie I'm about to-" and then I cum.
She releases my dick and pulls back, swallowing. She looks up at me, her eyes hiding behind her eyelashes and it makes her look so much more gorgeous. 😍
"Damn girl. Thanks for that." I say.
"Anytime." She smiles, standing up. She plants a kiss on my lips real quick.
"You're adorable."
"Thanks. By the way, there's more where that came from." She winks and let's out a little giggle.
Just then there's a knock on the door. "Hurry up I gotta piss." Oh shit, it's Skate.....
"Hold on!" I call to Skate.
I pull my pants back up and kiss her cheek. "Thanks again." I whisper.
She smiles back at me. "No problem."
I unlock the door and walk out followed by Kylie. Skate gives us a strange look.
"Night." Kylie says to us and hurries off to her bed, waving.
I watch as she walks away, a smirk on my face.
"What happened in there?" Skate asks.
"Nothing." I holding back another smirky smile. "Night." He walk away towards my bed.
"Sure." I hear Skate say as I walk away.
How was the first night with Kylie on tour.... GREAT!!
I crawl into bed and fall asleep, a smile on my lips as I dream about the girl who's slowly beginning to steal my heart.

A/N in sorry idk this chapter seemed a lot better when I originally planned it then I didn't know how to write it an sorry if it sucked. 🙈
Love you WilkinsonxMaloley hope you liked it even tho I think it sucked. I sowry. I promise later chapters will be better. I'm off to bed now. Nightttt. Lol.

-Shelby Lynn Jolinsky Wilkaloley 🙈💕

Passion for the Fashion *a DigiTour/ Skate/ Sammy fic*Where stories live. Discover now