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• Shelby •

When I wake up the next morning I'm in my bunk. I don't remember getting into my bunk last night but somehow I got here. I remember falling asleep on the couch with Kenny so maybe he carried me to my bunk?
I look around for my phone and find it laying beside me charging. I pick it up and look through my notifications.

FROM: Dilinsky
Heyyyy you still up for hanging out today?

I unlock my phone and text Diana back.

TO: Dilinsky
I'm not in Houston anymore 😭

FROM: Dilinsky
Awww why not? 😭

TO: Dilinsky
We left for Fort Lauderdale last night after we got done with Digi 😭

FROM: Dilinsky
Awww 😭😭😭😭

TO: Dilinsky
I know 😭 but oh well, if I'm not busy over winter break after I get done with DigiTour, then I'll fly to Houston to visit you.

FROM: Dilinsky
Okay! Sounds good to me! (:

TO: Dilinsky
See you then! 💕

FROM: Dilinsky
See you! Can't wait!!! 😘

I love mine and Diana's friendship. She's helped me through a lot of shit that's gone on in my life since I started college and for that I'm honestly so grateful.
I crawl out of bed and go over to my bag to grab some clothes to change into after I shower. I grab my two towels and everything else that I need for my shower and then I head to the bathroom. I claim the shower and try to quickly shower.
About twenty minutes later, I'm done showering- that's a short shower for me in all honesty- and drying off and getting dressed. After I'm all dressed and everything, I take my stuff back to my room and put it back wherever it goes, being careful not to wake Kylie and Andrea, since they're both still in their bunks asleep I think.
I grab my phone off my bed and head out to the main part of the bus. Kenny, Skate and Sammy are out there talking and chatting away about something.
"Good morning beautiful." Kenny smiles as I sit down on his lap, nuzzling my head into his neck.
"Good morning hotties." I tell the group with a smile.
"Good morning Shelby." Sammy and Skate reply back, big smiles on their faces.
"How did you sleep?" Kenny asks.
"Great, how about you?"
"Really good."
"That's good." I grin.
"Yup." He smiles back and leans forward to kiss my nose.
Him and I talk and continue being cute till around 2 in the afternoon.
Around 2:30, the bus stops and we pile out to go get food seeing as how we are all dying of starvation practically. (Especially me. I'm really, really skinny but I absolutely LOVE food and could eat nonstop for a few hours and still be hungry, it's just how my body works.) We decide upon Taco Bell/ KFC, because Brent of course wants Taco Bell and I want a taco and some chicken tenders with coleslaw and mashed potatoes just because I'm a fat ass like that. Brent orders a couple Doritos Locos tacos, Skate and Sammy each get something off both menus, Rickey gets chicken. Andrea gets a Famous Bowl and cookies, Kylie orders some tacos. I get a Cool Ranch Doritos Locos taco and the chicken tenders $5 fill-up with coleslaw. Andrew gets some chicken meal.
After we buy our food and receive it, we head back out to the tour bus, posing for pictures and stuff with some fans lingering outside around the bus. Then we go back on the bus and eat our delicious meals.
"So what are you guys looking forward to most about Christmas this year?" Rickey asks casually as we are all eating.
"Being here with you guys, leading up to Christmas. Never in a million years did I ever think I would ever get to meet you, let alone have you guys invite us to do the rest of the tour with you. But I can already tell that due to the way you guys are treating us and welcoming us with open arms, that the rest of the tour is gonna be absolutely amazing." I respond.
Nate laughs. "That's cute."
I blush and laugh a little bit, embarrassed slightly. "Thanks."
Kylie says she's looking forward to surprising her baby brother Isaac with a gift from each place we have been to. Brent says seeing his friends and family. Sammy says being able to see Emily and Anna and Benny and Ozzie and his parents again. (He rarely sees his oldest sister because she's always busy in LA.)
The others' responses vary from seeing family and friends again, celebrating and it almost being 2015.
"2015 is gonna be a dope ass year for us. I just know it." Skate says excitedly.
"True! We are gonna be living the good life!" Sammy agrees and then the two start talking about what all their gonna be doing in 2015.
"I'm gonna go on a tour and sell out shows and meet fans." Skate smiles.
"You? BOTH of us! We're gonna each be doing tours and enjoying life." Sammy jokes.
Nate and Sammy already know exactly where they wanna be a year from now.... Hell I don't even know where I wanna be at the end of this tour....

A/N YAY AN UPDATE.... One of many to come :) anyways sorry if parts of this chapter make no sense. I wrote most of this chapter at 2:30am 😳😬 and I just now finished once I got home from school lol. Anyways I love you guys. See you soon ❤️

-Shelby Lynn Fooshiles 🙈💕 (<- Foosh and Chris Miles' names combined 😍😂)

P.S. Shoutout to @perrygirl117 for liking this story so much and bugging me all last night reminding me to update. ❤️ love you 😘

Passion for the Fashion *a DigiTour/ Skate/ Sammy fic*Where stories live. Discover now