Chapter 1- A normal day gone BAD

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I woke up in bed. The blankets twisted around me. My silky nightgown crinkled and my dark hair in a knot.

I climbed out of the mess of sheets and walked into the bathroom connected to my bedroom. I got a eye full of my appearance once I walked in. The large mirror enhanced everything. Especially the dark circles beneath my eyes. I was out late again last night helping people. I saved a man from becoming a murderer, a woman from committing suicide and helped bring a baby into the world. I shrugged my nightgown off and climbed into the shower, trying to have it as cold as possible to wake myself up. I wrapped myself in a soft towel and walked back into my room. I pulled out a black bra, matching underwear and a black summer dress. The neckline was low the skirt was high but slightly heavy so it wouldn't be pushed up by any wind. I slipped on some black lace heels. I then put on gold hoops the size of a 50c piece and round gold studs in my second ear hole. I put on my gold bangle and for the finishing touch I added my heirloom.
A gold chain with a large ruby pendant on it. The ruby was real of cause and had a deep blood look to it.

I dried my long dark hair so it would turn from being dripping wet to its natural wavy style.

I applied foundation, eyeliner and mascara. Then a little red lipstick.

I grabbed my purse my phone and keys and walked out the door.

I walked downstairs and out the buildings front door and down the footpath.

The underground was a café 10 minutes away. It was part of my daily routine each morning. Once I made it to the café. I walked down the slope into the underground parking area. In the underground parking there was a door that was marked VWW. Standing for Vampires, werewolves, and witches. I walked over and punched in the 4 number password into the keypad. The door buzzed open and revealed a staircase that went up. I looked at them and cringed. I evaporated (transported) myself from the bottom of the stairs to the café.

I walked through the doors and had a look around.
I spotted all the locals in their seats. Some heads turned and smiled at me. Some cringed. Most of those that cringed left the café at the sight of me. I smiled at the display and walked over to the bar and sat down

"Morning Lina. How was your night?" Jimmy asked from behind the counter.

I've known Jimmy for 10 years. He is from Algeria and is the bartender here. He serves the drinks and mostly manages this place.
This is a café. Owned by the supernatural for the supernatural. It's a great establishment since its away from the public and the sun. The windows along the walls where tinted and protected the vampires from the UV rays.

"Same as every night Jimmy, busy. What about you?" I said smiling at him.

"Alright I had the night off so I went out and had some fun."

"That sounds nice. I haven't had the time to go out. I've been so busy.

"You should allocate some time for yourself, Lina." He said handing me my usual chocolate latte. "I heard that Fredrick was looking for you." Jimmy said.

"Fredrick? He's back why didn't he call? What did he want?" I asked softly as I took a sip of my drink.

"He didn't say. He just told me to tell you that he is looking for you. Then he said to tell you when you came in this morning to meet him tonight at the Church around 10ish." He said.

"The Church?"

"Yeah. You know that club on Marbic Avenue?"

"Yeah I know it but why does he want to meet there of all places? Why not see me here like he usually does?" I said trying desperately to understand his actions.

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