Chapter 13-The beginning of a line of BIG mistakes

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I zoned out of the conversation when I heard something happening upstairs. I felt Elena's fear so without any thought I ran as fast as I could upstairs and ripped Damon off her.  I held her behind me protecting her. He stalked towards us and before I could throw him again Stefan came into the room and pushed him. Damon got up and ran past Stefan's hands. I threw him across the room again. He got back up and Stefan and Damon got into a full on fight. Elena cried Stefan's name out but he couldn't hear her through his rage. I leant down next to her and tried to calm her down. Stefan continuously hit Damon until Damon stabbed him through the stomach with a large broken piece of wood.  I walked over and pulled Damon off him.

"Get out of here Damon before you make things worse." I said calmly.

I've learnt never to take sides just act calmly and no one can hate you.

I laid Stefan down while Elena stroked his hair. I grabbed the end of the wood and pulled it out causing more pain.  I convinced Elena to walk over to the bathroom with me, while he healed. I wet a hand towel and wiped her face while she washed her hands of Stefan and Damon's blood.

"Why would he do such a thing to me, and Stefan?" She asked.

"When people are scared of losing people, they do stupid, careless things thinking that their helping. They don't realise that what they're doing is wrong. Until it's too late." I said, relating it to me and Nik.

Jenna and Ric walked in with blood bags for Stefan then walked out.

"I'll give you two sometime alone." I said leaving her.

She didn't say anything. She just walked over to Stefan and stroked his hair. I walked out into the hall and saw Jenna and Alaric talking.

"Jenna?" I said walking over to them.

She started to panic, I could see it in her eyes.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Or anyone. I promise. I'm not a vampire." I started. "I know how hard it must be for you to understand any of this. I know that it must seem impossible. But I want you to know that you are a strong person and will get through this." I said smiling at her.

She gave me a smile and let me walk away. I walked into the lounge room and saw Elijah standing there.

"Good morning." I said walking down the steps.

"Good morning Azalina. How did you sleep?" he asked back.

"Fine thank you, and you?" I said walking closer.

"Alright. Where were you this morning?"

"I went to make a deal with Klaus. The moonstone for Katherine's life and Katherine be set free. She won't have to run any more if the witch doesn't kill him."

"Good." He said fixing his suit before getting ready to leave.

"I'll see you tonight then." I said smiling at him.

"Tonight." He said smiling back at me before leaving.

Alaric came into the room not noticing me when he grabbed his jacket.

"Where you heading off to in a hurry?" I asked him when he got to the front door.

He jumped before saying "Oh Azalina. You scared me. I'm going to find Damon, to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

"I'll come too. Just in case he does." I said following him out the door.

Alaric drove to the Grill with me in the car I couldn't evaporate, too many questions.

I am strong. (A vampire diaries/originals fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now