Gone too soon (All x Reader)

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You were slowly making your way to the lair to see your best friends who lived in the sewers. You had some devastating news for them and you weren't ready to tell them. But you didn't have much time left. A few tears slipped from your eyes onto your cheeks. You wiped them away as your hair stuck to your face.

A shaking breath exhaled from your lips. You finally made it to the entrance of the lair. You moved your hair out of your face, wiped your tears, and put on a half heart broken smile. You walked in and saw Raph watching TV.

"Hey (y/n)." He smiled.

"Hey Raph." You smiled, the back of your throat hurting as your cries wished to be heard.

Raph noticed your sluggish movements, "are you okay? You don't seem like yourself."

"I'm good, Raph." You smiled, "where is everyone?"

"Donnie's in the lab, Sensei is in his room, and Leo and Mikey are in the dojo training." He answered, "but I'm serious, are you okay?"

"Raph." You forced a laugh, "I'm fine. Stop worrying so much."

You walked to the lab to see Donnie working on some of his inventions.

"Hey Donnie." You smiled walking up to him.

Donnie turned around and smiled, "hey (y/n). What are you doing here?"

"Wanted to hang out with my best friends." You smiled.

"Our schedule is always open." He chuckled.

You gave him a hug and walked to the dojo. You saw Leo flip Mikey over and you made a sour face.

"That looked like it hurt." You smiled.

Their heads looked up at you, "(y/n)!"

They hugged you tightly and you hugged them back.

"Hey guys." You smiled.

"What are you doing here, dudette?" Mikey asked.

"Figured I'm come hang out." You smiled, "What's the matter? Are you guys too busy for me?"

You laughed at them. God it hurt when you laughed.

"Of course not." Leo chuckled, "we love hanging out with you."

"Good." You smiled, "how about we get some pizza and play video games?" 

"Sounds like a plan." Leo answered.

"Awesome!" Mikey yelled running to the kitchen.

You guys ordered pizza and started taking turns playing against each other on Mario Kart. You were racing against Donnie as (favorite racer).

"Hey Don, look out for that red shell." You said.

"What red shell?" He asked.

A red shell then hit his player, causing him to slow down, "what the shell?"

"That one." You chuckled.

You passed him and were now in 1st place.

"You're a horrible person." Donnie joked.

"All's fair in a game of Mario Kart, Donatello." You smirked.

After wining against Donnie, you were now racing against Mikey.

"Alright what course we racing on?" You asked.

Mikey smirked evilly, "Rainbow Bridge."

Your eyes widened, "I can't race that course."

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