My bean friend (Raph x Borrower Child! Reader)

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Requested by: @S203324

You were the only borrower left in your family. The rest of you family were either flooded and flushed away or eaten by rats. You were 8 years old and fended for yourself within the walls you lived in within the sewers. But what could you possibly borrow in the sewers? Lucky, you walls happened to be near a place where 4 giant turtles and a giant rat lived.

They had lots of things for her to use that they wouldn't notice that would be gone. If it was pizza night, she'd steal a pizza topping and it'd feed her for a week. She had a marshmallow for a mattress and a dumb dumb wrapper for a blanket to sleep on. You knew that the number one rule that your parents told you was that you could never be seen by a bean. Even though you were the only borrower in the sewers, you sometimes thought of being being friends with a bean just to kill the loneliness you felt.

You could hear everything they talked about through the walls you lived in. From giant robots roaming the city to a metal man trying to destroy them. You heard many things about the beans that lived outside your walls. The blue masked turtle was known as Leo. He was the leader of the 4 turtles when they'd go on missions or so called night patrol.

He was a fanboy for Space Heroes and you heard the show play every chance he had to watch it. The red masked turtle was known as Raph. He was the hot head of the group. Most of the time he'd punch things and yell at his brothers over stupid things. The purple one was Donnie.

He was the brainiac of the team. She'd hear lots of his inventions that he would make. And not to mention his huge crush on a human bean; some bean named April O'Neil. The orange turtles was Mikey. He was the youngest of the team and goofiest. You'd hear him yell and laugh at video games he played on a daily bases.

The rat was their father, Master Splinter or Sensei. He was very wise and gave good advice to his sons when they needed it to help with a problem they had. Even though he was a nice rat, you still feared him. You were laying on your marshmallow mattress until your stomach rumbled loudly. You had eaten the last bit of a mushroom topping yesterday.

You now needed to find food again. You stood up and walked to your main crack in the wall that you walked in and out of. You stepped out of the wall and looked around. The turtles were not in the kitchen or the living room so you could successfully grab something to eat. You walked to the kitchen counter and pulled out a rope with sticky glue on one end.

You swung it around and through it up on the counter. The sticky glue stuck to the surface of the counter and you climbed the rope to the top. You looked around saw the one thing they always had; a pizza. You entered through a tiny hole in the box and looked around. You smelt pepperoni, mushrooms, and cheese; that was their classic pizza order.

You made your way to grab a topping but the box opened. Raph was about to grab a slice of pizza. Unfortunately, he grabbed the slice you were on. As he raised the slice to his mouth, you made a ear piercing scream.

"Ahhhh!" Raph screamed and dropped the slice of pizza on the counter.

You fell on the counter and Raph could see you plain as day.

"Please don't hurt me!" You screamed as you used your tiny arms to cover yourself.

Raph looked closely at you, "what are you????"

"I'm a tiny borrower. I borrow things that you and your family never miss or notice." You explained, "I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you, Raph."

"Wait how do you know my name?" He asked.

"These sewer walls aren't very thick ya know." You answered.

"You live in the walls?" He asked.

"It's the safest place for us borrowers." You answered.

"There's more of you?"

"" You frowned, "my family didn't survive the sewers. They were either drowned or eaten by sewer rats."

Raph frowned slightly, "I'm sorry to hear that, (y/n). How old are you?"

"I am approximately 96.5 months old. So in bean years that's 8." You answered.

"You're awfully young." Raph said sourly, "how long have you been alone?"

"About a year. I've survived this far." She chuckled.

Raph chuckled with her.

"Raph we gotta go patrol!" Leo yelled.

Raph turned back to you, "you wanna lift back to your hideout?"

"Yeah that'd be helpful for my tiny legs." She chuckled as she wiggled them, "could you get a mushroom for me please?"

Raph grabbed a mushroom slice off a pizza and you crawled into the palm of his hand.

"Where's your hide hole?" He asked.

"Right over there between you and Leo's room." You answered, "there's a crack opening. You won't miss it."

He started walking to your wall. You never thought you'd be in the palm of a bean's hand. He set you down and placed the mushroom in the wall. He also set down a red rock.

"What's this thing?" You asked.

"It's called a jellybean." Raph answered, "it's sweet and I thought you'd like to taste it besides snacking on pizza toppings."

They both laughed.

"Thanks Raph. Be safe on patrol." You waved.

"I will. See you round (y/n)." Raph replied and walked away.

And in that moment, you were happy that you had a friend. Even though he was a bean.

(A/n): hey guys I'm not dead! Ik it's been almost a year but I'm alive! There was a lot going on in my life that lead me away to Wattpad and honestly....I didn't know how to write this one shot so I just winged it. Lol. Comment your request and I'll write more oneshots!!!

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