Relax (All x Stressed! College student! Reader)

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You were in your room on your laptop doing college assignments. You were going to school to become a/an (dream job) and you didn't want to slack off at all. You were doing this review assignment for the main course of being a/an (dream job). There were 50 questions but luckily you didn't have a time limit. Your phone went off so you picked it up and saw that it was a text from the turtles.

Master Prankster: hey (n/n), wanna come over and hang out with us? We got pizza :)
Tough Guy: Yeah! We miss you!
Einstein: We're really bored!
Captain: I could really use some help calming these 3 down right about now. But yeah! Come hang out with us!

You chuckled at all their messages.

You: Yeah. Just lemme clean my room up a bit and I'll be over there soon. Mikey don't eat my slice lol.

You set your phone down and made your bed, placed your clothes in the hamper, and collected all the trash in your room and tossed it in the trash can. You picked up your book bag and stuffed your laptop and college books in it and zipped it up. You locked up your apartment and made your way to the sewers. You entered the lair and saw the turtles in the living room.

They looked up at you and smiled, "(Y/n)!"

You waved at them, "hey guys. So you started without me?"

"We were choosing a movie." Leo answered.

"Here (y/n)." Raph spoke handing you a plate of pizza.

"Thanks." You replied as you sat next to them.

You unzipped your bag and pulled out your laptop and books. The turtles looked at you curiously.

"(Y/n)?" Donnie questioned, "why did you bring your college work?"

You opened your laptop and began your assignments again, taking a bite of pizza, "I really don't wanna fail any assignments."

"But you're extremely smart, dudette." Mikey spoke, "like Donnie smart."

"I won't take any chances." You replied typing on your laptop, "I have to finish this by tonight or I'll forget. I'll watch the movie every now and then with you guys. Go on ahead."

They gave you looks of concern, but since you insisted, they started the movie. They glanced at you as you did your assignments nonstop. They could see that you were focused but stressed at the same time. 2 hours had passed, the guys had finished the movie, but you were still doing assignments.

"(Y/n), you've been doing college stuff the whole time you've been here." Raph said, "you can't have that much due in one night, could you?"

"Aaaaaaaand done." You finished, "yes! I got a 100!"

You laid back on the couch and sighed.

You then sat up, "now let's start on tomorrow's assignments."

The turtles groaned, face palming themselves. Donnie took your laptop.

"Hey!" You yelled, "give that back!"

"Absolutely not." Donnie spoke, "I can see that you want to pass all you assignments. But all this college work that you're doing in one night is causing you a lot of stress."

"I'm not stressed! I just wanna pass!"

"So it shouldn't bother you that I lock this in my safe and you'll really hang out with us." Donnie said as he walked to his lab.

You groaned as you held you temples, "do you guys know how hard it is to study to be a/an (dream job?)"

The turtles shook their heads.

"VERY HARD!" You told them.

Leo sat behind you and started messaging your shoulders, "does that feel good?"

"Why you asking me that?" You asked.

"Because you're extremely tensed." Leo answered, "You need to relax and take a break from school work."

You groaned and placed you face in your hands.

"You probably forgot your training too." Mikey spoke.

You snapped your head up, "I have not."

Mikey got in your face and playfully holding your cheeks, "aw look at the softy. She couldn't even hurt a fly."

You stood up and round housed him in the shell. Mikey went flying and hit the wall.

"You still got it." He wheezed.

"Of course I do." You huffed, "just because I'm in college, doesn't mean I forget the training I've done with you guys."

"Should we test that theory?" Raph playfully smirked.

"I'd love to." You smirked back.

So you and the turtles walked to the dojo and you were facing them one on one. First you were facing Mikey.

"Don't kick me in the shell again." He spoke.

"Well then give me your best hit." You replied.

Mikey pulled out his nunchucks and tried swinging them at you. You dodged his attacks and pulled out your (favorite weapon). You knocked Mikey off his feet and he was down.

"Come on!" Mikey yelled.

Now you were against Donnie. He pulled out his Bo and smirked.

"Me against a wooden stick?" You questioned with a chuckle, "Don you're easy to defeat."

"W'll see about that." He smirked.

He knocked you off your feet but you instant got back up. You swung your weapon at him and knocked him in the shell.

"Ouch!" He fell down.

Leo and Raph stood in front of you.

"Are you 2 tag teaming against me?" You questioned.

"Why not?" Leo shrugged.

You groaned as you swung your weapon around. They charged you and you rolled forward past them. You clanked your weapons against each other until Leo knocked your weapon out of your hand. You gulped as they smirked at you.

"Get her!" Raph smiled.

The 4 turtles chased her around the lair. Your heart was racing with anxiety as you had them chasing you. You found a good hiding spot and calmed your breathing.

"I wonder where she went." Mikey spoke.

You were hiding in the tree in the dojo. You stayed completely still and breathed quietly. You then felt something breathing on the back of your neck.

"" Raph spoke.

"AHHH!" You screamed, falling out of the tree.

Mikey caught you so you wouldn't hit the ground, "found you dudette!"

"And now...." Leo smirked.

"Tickle attack!" The 4 turtles yelled.

They started tickling you and you began laughing uncontrollably.

"I-hahahaha can't breeeeeaaaathe!" You laughed, feeling your diaphragm becomeing sore.

The turtles finally stopped and Donnie helped you up.

"See? Now you're not stressed over school." He spoke.

"We got the old (y/n) back." Mikey smiled.

You giggled, "I guess school has been taking control of my life, huh?"

"We'll keep you in check every now and then." Raph said playfully punching your arm, "don't you worry."

You smirked at him and tackled him to the ground, "wanna bet?"

"Wrestle!" The other 3 turtles yelled.

They joined in and you felt nothing but pure happiness as you were surrounded by the best friends you could've asked for.

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