Open to the World (Leo x Shy! Reader part 2)

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It had been about a month since Leo found out that you were shy around everyone but him. You had done what you had promised him; you spread your beautiful personality around to show everyone. You started joining clubs and helped tutor people at your school. You thought since you had nothing to do after school, that you'd drop by the lair and see the turtles. It had been a few weeks since you started clubs and tutoring.

You were twirling in circles as you walked through the sewers towards the lair. You stopped as you saw Miley playing video games.

"Hey Mikester." You smiled.

He paused his game and looked up at you, "(y/n)? Did you take the wrong medicine today?"

"No." You giggled, "I'm saying hi to you. Where are the others?"

"Uhhhh Donnie's in the lab, Raph's in the kitchen feeding Spike, and Leo's in the dojo." He answered as he was still quite confused at your actions.

"Thanks Mike." She smiled with a wink.

She popped her head in the lab, "hey Donnie!"

Donnie looked up to see you and he was quite confused, "(y/n)? What are you doing here?"

"Am I not allowed to say hi to my best friends?" You questioned him.

"Yeah you are. But I thought you were sh-"

"Not anymore Dr Don." She smiled and walked towards the kitchen, leaving Donnie with questioning thoughts.

You then slipped under the island in the kitchen where Raph was. You silently waited until the right time until-

"Hi Raph!"

Raph screeched like a little girl and held onto Spike. He then relaxed when he saw that it was you.

"(Y/n)? Your sneaky self gave me a heart attack!" He said.

"Would you rather have a cockroach crawl out?" You smirked.


"Just wanted to pop by!" You smiled as you pet Spike on the head.

You made your way to the dojo and the three brothers grouped in the kitchen.

"Well she's different." Donnie said.

"Looks like she really did keep her promise for Leo." Mikey added.

"That's a different side for that girl I swear." Raph replied.

You walked in the dojo and saw that Leo was training with his eyes closed. You then hatched an idea. You grabbed your weapon and stood in front of him.

"Win this combat and you shall receive a prize." You said in a deep voice.

"Challenge accepted." Leo smirked raising his katanas.

You 2 battled until about 2 minutes later, Leo had you up against the wall. He opened his eyes and was surprised.

"(Y/n)??? You sounded like Mikey!" He said.

"Really I didn't notice." You smirked.

Leo stepped back and let go of you, "what are you doing here? You haven't stopped by for weeks."

"I've been busy with a promise I kept." You answered.

"Promise? From who?" He asked.

You laughed a bit, "show the world how beautiful you and your personality is? Does that ring a bell?"

"Oh!" Leo replied, "mine. Now I remember. What are you doing?"

"I've joined 3 clubs (of your pick), and I tutor people at my school!" You answered.

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