I love you (Raph x Depressed! Reader)

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Warning: mentions of suicide, blood, and blades

You were walking to the lair after a long day of school. You tugged on your long sleeves so your markings wouldn't show. You tried your best at hiding your depression. But little did you know, your friends, the turtles, noticed many things that seemed different about you. You always looked tired; your eyes had bags and you would sometimes wouldn't even notice if they were talking to you.

You were becoming extremely underweight. You tried your best to make it look like you weren't starving yourself when you guys would eat pizza. But they still noticed and had that feeling. The one thing you were really good at from hiding from them, were your scars. Some days you'd wear long sleeve tops and other days you'd use your foundation make up to cover it up.

It confused them very much on how you'd switch now and then. You continued walking through the sewers as today's events played in your head.

"You're such a whore!"
"You're too ugly to smile!"
"You shouldn't even try anymore! You'll never get anywhere!"
"Hahahahaha look at the slut! She's covered up her body like she lives in Antarctica! I bet she's hiding hickies or a pregnant belly!"

You quickly wiped your hot tears before they drenched your face. You took a deep breath and sighed. You've never done anything with anyone. Before your depression, your wore cute tank top shirts and jean shorts everyday. Then you'd get bullied for showing too much skin. And once you wore more clothes, you only got treated worse.

Sadly, that's how the world worked. You finally made it to the lair and walked in the living room. Mikey looked up from the Tv and noticed you.

"(Y/n)!" He smiled widely running up to you.

He wrapped you in a bone crushing hug. You held in you whimpers of pain.

"Mikey let her breathe." Leo said walking up to you.

"Oh sorry dudette." Mikey apologized as he let go of you.

"It's fine Mikester." You replied.

"Hey (y/n)!" Donnie smiled as he walked out of the lab.

"Are you okay?" Leo asked concerned, "you look pretty tired."

"Well you know I'm always pretty tired after a long day of school." You answered.

"How was school?" Mikey asked.

The events played in your head, "f-fine."

The 3 turtles gave you a look of concern.

"Are you sure?" Donnie asked.

"Yeah totally!" You lied, "where's Raph?"

"He's in the dojo doing his usual workouts." Mikey rolled his eyes.

You walked to the dojo and looked around. Raph was there punching his punching bag.

You walked up to him, "hey Raph."

"Hey (y/n)." He replied without looking at you.

You felt a sting in your chest. You were in love with this turtle since the moment you met him. His eyes were such a beautiful green, his voice so commanding and protective, and his muscles made your heart pound against your chest. But how could he ever love you? You were ever so utterly broken.

"(Y/n)? Helloooooo???" Raph waved in your face.

You shook your head and softly smiled, "sorry I was daydreaming."

He huffed in response, "obviously."

You frowned and walked out of the dojo. You mentally face palmed yourself. You always embarrassed yourself around him just by daydreaming of the facts of him never dating you. You sat in the kitchen and yawned.

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