Chapter 1

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Republic high school drama class 8th period

Varrick: " all right class this fall we are going to be doing a play. Now I'm going to need everyone to try their best on acting!  The play is going to be Romeo and Juliet, auditions are tomorrow so today is a free day to practice the parts you want to try out for. Julie! Do the thing "

Julie gave the whole class books of the play so we could all practice. I really didn't want any big part in the play. I usually end up being a background person or something. I know for a fact  Asami and Bolin we'll probably get a good part.

Asami: " Hey Korra let's practice I want to try out for Juliet "

Korra: " Yeah sure why not "

Asami: " Are you going to try out for anything?"

Korra: " Nah I'll just be a extra "

Asami Sato was my best friend. We've known each other since I was in 7th grade and she was in 8th. We always spent so much time together that it was hard to separate us. Asami was going to be the next CEO from her dad's company but he is just waiting for her 18th birthday so she could take over the company. Her dad has been going to the hospital a lot lately so he hopes he can still be alive so he can see her become the next CEO. As for me I am the daughter of the best lawyers in town, I've always had a good life so far, But my mom and dad are hoping I fall into their footsteps but I don't know what I actually want to do later on in my life I just have to figure it out I guess.

Bolin: " hey guys so I'm thinking I should be  Romeo I mean look at me I have the good looks and I'm strong plus I can be romantic " he said as he flexed his arms

Asami: " I think that'll be great but you know Romeo and Juliet have a kissing scene "

Bolin: " we can always ask Mr.varrick if we can do a peck on the cheek?"

Wu: " I don't think he'll like the idea but I mean, it doesn't really matter it's not like you guys have feeling for each other "

Varrick: " Hey kids stop chit chatting and start practicing I'm also going to need you guys to practice at home exactly the kissing scene got that "

Bolin: " Actually Mr.Varrick .."

Varrick " No if ands nor buts now go along and practice "

Later after school Asami and I go to her house to hang out and so I can help her practice for her role as Juliet that she's trying to get. We go upstairs into her room as we both sit down holding the books.

Korra: " I take thee at thy word.Call me but love, and I'll be baptized.Henceforth I never will be Romeo."

Asami "What man art thou that, thus bescreened in night,So stumblest on my counsel?"

I break out of character

Korra: " You know this is so stupid how could they fall In love when they barely know each other ? "

Asami: " I really don't know but it's whatever it's just a play "

" yeah a stupid one " I said rolling my eyes

Asami: " Just help me out with the kissing scene Mr.Varrick wanted the ppl trying out for the main roles to do it at home"

Korra: " ehhh fine...O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do.They pray; grant thou, lest faith turn to despair."

Asami:" Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake."

Korra: "Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take." 

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