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My love and admiration for this author can not be expressed with mere words she is whipped cream on my coco, the icing on my strudel, the discount on Amazon.  Yep she is just that wonderful.  I present to you heart kicker and pisser offer extraordinaire.  She is a must read that can not be anything other than LOVED.

Modern Clichés is her latest series and it is cringe worthy in it's truthfulness yet I wouldn't mind being these characters, in the end.

The Forgotten Series is one of the best ever written, in my humble opinion.  The psyche of these character are wonderfully unique and their use is a gateway into understand ourselves a little better. 

As much as I love all her series The Twisted Dark series is my favorite.  These females are just off the chart and their situations are twisty and flirty.  

Please don't binge read this author without plenty of tissues and chocolate. 

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