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I have/will list many authors in this compilation and each makes my heart flutter in one way or another.  But this author... this author has made me: cry till I snotted, so mad I had to put her book away for a minute, laugh so hard I had to excuse myself and use the little girl's room, contemplate my place in the universe, and count my blessings.  Her imagination rivals Jules Verne or Author C. Clark, if you don't know who they are shame on you.  The characters are bold, colorful, heart wrenching, beautiful, relatable, strong, and amazing.  Not once have I put down one of her works and thought "well that was a waste of my time".

I am always on the lookout for her next tale.  While most of hers are one off's she does have a few series and one on it's way to Amazon.

Wolfborn is an Excerpt.  It is the first of the series with Torn and Artemis: Mageborn following.

Mistakes and Mistakes: Vengeance

Against the Grain and Ingrained 

Burden and UnBurdened 

Captive: Hopeless

Blood and War

The Legends of Calais


There are others but you get the idea. Grab a snack, your favorite blankie, and thank me later--I take cash and credit 😉

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