An Echo in the Mafia (Echo Reid, Reid Family Book #1)

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Five Reid sisters five books.
Echo is the middle child of two overachievers who bred a six-pack of overachievers.   But not feeling as beautiful or giving as her older sisters nor as adventurous or productive as the younger ones have put Echo in a self-secluded corner.  What happens when one man bursts into her corner and drags her out into the middle of the room?  Come see.

This is a long book that rushes by like a gentle brook.  It is a pick-up/put-down that you wouldn't want to put down.  A wonderfully light read that will have you wanting to read just one more chapter before bed.  

It does need an edit, but the author seems to have left.  So sad.  But nothing can take away from Echo's heart and Luke's will. 

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