
51 0 4


This one I started reading when it was still being written and kept with it.  A rollercoaster has nothing on this plot.  It is gripping and will piss you off nearly as much as it will bring tears to your eyes.  Solus is a very deep character who is gripping, aggravating, and heart-wrenching.  She makes you think.

I would love to give this a 10+ but it is a rough first draft.  It needs a Grammarly run though as much as a mud puppy needs a bath before he gets on my, your, bed.  Though it can be difficult to read due to grammar, word usage, and spelling problems.  The plot and characters pull it through.  Yes, I know there are storyline and plot holes, but this character is... this plot is...

8+ is my final but I truly hope that the author does the right thing by this tale and polish this gem to its fullest beauty. 

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