Sabito x reader x Giyu

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Sabito and Giyu, both known to share the water pillars spot. Both were known to wear a mismatch haori, Sabito wore half cream and half white with wisteria petals at the bottom.  Giyu wore half maroon and half white with wisteria petals. At first glance people think that they did it to show they were two halves of one whole but, no, there's was a lot more to it.
To Story
"Thank you my children you all are dismissed." Ubuyashiki smiled dismissing them from the pillar meeting. Sabito and Giyu silently made there way over to Sanemi, Muichiro, Shinobu, and Rengoku. They all nodded their heads to each other and they silently left.

Giyu and Sabito were about to leave when the love pillar came up to them, "Are you guys dating?" She asked bluntly.
They quickly shook their heads no, "No we're best friends."
"Then why do you each wear half of the same haori?" Mitsuri asked. They visibly flinched and deflated form the question.
"Come with us we'll tell you why." Sabito said quietly. The rest of the pillars followed Sabito and Giyu.
Sabito and Giyu led them to Mnt. Sagiri, and were walking to a large split bolder.
"I remember her teaching us to slice this, and she'd laugh when we would fail." Giyu reminisced touching the boulder. Sanemi, Muichiro, Shinobu, and Rengoku showed up all of a sudden carrying wisteria flowers. They placed them at the base of the boulder and got down to pray. They listened and heard what they prayed for.
"You're such an idiot, everyone but the strongest made it out." Sanemi muttered.
"Thank you for saving me way back then, I live on in your honor." Shinobu prayed, crying.
"I actually remember you and what you did for me, thank you." Muichiro mumbled.
"You're in a better place, away from demons, and you saved us. What an honorable way to go out, I hope you are living your best life up there." Rengoku said lightly crying.
The rest of the pillars (minis Giyu and Sabito) were very confused.
"You wanted to know why we wear half of the same haori well we'll tell you." Sabito said facing the boulder.
"Urokodaki (Y/n), you better come back." (Y/n)'s father, Urokodaki Sakonji, prayed.
"I will, don't worry, I'm strong!" (Y/n) consoled. Yes (Y/n) was urokodaki's daughter and she swore to become the strongest water pillar ever. "Come on Giyu and Sabito!"
"Wait (Y/n)!" Sabito called. "We have a gift for you." He then took out a box with her name written on it. She opened it and inside was a beautiful white haori with wisteria petals.
"I love it, thank you so much!" (Y/n) said hugging both Giyu and Sabito. They blushed and hugged her back.
(Timeskip to final day of final selection)
"Alright, final day of final selection." (Y/n) thought. She'd slayed almost all of the demons on the mountain, and were trying to find Sabito and Giyu. While she was running she saw a girl with black hair and purple tips fighting off 3 demons. She was stabbing them, not beheading them, and wasn't doing so well. (Y/n) slid her kitsune mask over her face and took out the demons with one breath. She did it gracefully and quickly, landing perfectly after. Shinobu was in shock how gracefully and effortlessly she'd done that.
"Hello little butterfly, stay safe, I have to go." (Y/n) said taking off her kitsune mask. Underneath her mask was beautiful (e/c) doe eyes and fair (s/c) skin. She had (h/c) hair and it flowed in the wind. She was quite the beauty with her warm gaze.
"Thank you for saving me, my name is Kocho Shinobu! What's the name of my savior?" Shinobu asked.
"Oh sorry, my name is Urokodaki (Y/n)." (Y/n) said giving her a kind smile. "But gotta go!" She was gone in a flash.
"So she's the daughter of a former pillar huh?" Shinobu was hoping she'd get to talk to her again.
(Y/n) kept running and ended up saving 3 others. Their names were Rengoku Kyojuro, Tokito Muichiro, and Shinazugawa Sanemi. She'd effortlessly saved them when she found Giyu and Sabito fighting a huge hand demon. She saw how Sabito was about to get his head crushed, and (Y/n) ran in kicking his side. Though she didn't mean for the kick to be that rough, it ended up kicking him into a tree, knocking him out. (Y/n) slashed the hand that was going to crush her.
"Well well another fox cub had come my way." The demon snickered. "I can feel how you're vastly more powerful than these two, why is that?"
"My name is Urokodaki (Y/n)." She said bluntly. The demon started throwing a fit after hearing that. He started throwing attacks at her, and she was dodging or parrying effortlessly. Giyu and Sabito had gotten up by now and saw an opening to slice his neck. Right when they were about to slice his neck a hand snuck out of the ground and they closed heir eyes, accepting their fate.
They heard a bone chilling crunch, but it wasn't from them. They opened their eyes and (Y/n)'s head was crushed by one of the hands. They couldn't believe it and cried out in agony, when her body fell tot he ground. They quickly grabbed her body and ran to a random spot in the woods. The sun was starting to come up, so the hand demon couldn't follow them.
They set her down and out her head on their laps, "I'm sorry, please live for me." (Y/n) coughed weakly. She used to last of her strength to caress their faces, when she took her final breath. They both cried and begged her to come back, but the light in her once beautiful (e/c) doe eyes were now lifeless.
They closed her eyes and kissed her forehead, "We love you, and we're sorry we never told you, we were scared. You know that right?" Sabito sobbed. Giyu was crying his eyes out and hugging her now cold body. They swore then and there to become the water pillars, in the place of the True Water Pillar's place.
End of Flashback
Shinobu was crying remembering how she'd died to save everyone on the mountain.
"Everyone passed that day by default." Sabito explained. They didn't know that the story behind that haori was so sad. "We wear her haori to live on in her memory, we wear it so the True Water Pillar will live on." Sabito explained.
"She saved us that day, but she's not here to tell the tale." Giyu said angrily. The pillars then sensed a presence behind them, they turned around and saw Tanjiro.
"Hey Giyu, Sabito!" Tanjiro greeted. Giyu and Sabito then remembered that they'd found him with his demon sister. "What were you talking about?"
"Nothing, you need to worry about." Sabito answered curtly.
"Wait are you talking about (Y/n)-sama? She's gorgeous and her swordsmen skills are far superior to any I've ever seen." Tanjiro started gushing about how (Y/n) was teaching his to slice the boulder. The whole time Shinobu, Muichiro, Rangoku, and Sanemi looked at him in horror.
Giyu and Sabito stormed up to him, "The hell are you talking about?" Sabino seethed.
"Can't you guys see her?" Tanjiro looked puzzled. He waved to something on top of the boulder. They looked and saw..

Urokodaki (Y/n)

She was smiling kindly at them with her kitsune mask on the side of her head. She looked the same form final selection, with her big (e/c) doe eyes looking at them kindly. She wore the tender smile they'd fallen in love with. Along with half of the cream side of sabito's haori, and half of the maroon side of Giyu's haori.
"You never were good with kids huh?" (Y/n) teased. They couldn't believe it, the girl they saw die, was standing right in front of them. Sabito and Giyu stared crying and ran up to her, giving her the biggest bear hug, not letting her slip away from them again. The other pillars smiled and left, leaving them some privacy. They dragged Tanjiro with them, Tanjiro confused with what's happening. They were so happy they could hold her again, they inhaled her sweet scent. She always smelled like wisteria petals, since she loved them so much.
"Come we can catch up." (Y/n) smiled kindly.
(Timeskip a few hours)
Sabito and Giyu were grinning like idiots the whole time they'd been catching up.
"We have something to tell you (Y/n)." Sabito said suddenly. Giyu knew what it was and started getting nervous.
"Yes?" She asked sweetly.
"Well w-we l-like you..." Sabito mumbled trailing off.
"B-but if you d-don't r-return- Giyu was cut off something warm on his lips. He looked and (Y/n) was kissing him. He kissed back and when she broke she kissed Sabito the same way.
"I love you guys too." She said with a kind smile. "But don't worry I'll wait for you guys, enjoy life, and I'll be waiting when the time comes." She gave them one last kiss and the fog took her away. They were in a daze from the kiss and were feeling where she kissed them.
"Thank you (Y/n), one day we will be reunited."

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