Pillars x reader

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Thank you for requesting @strawberryboop ! I'm sorry if it's not too good...
(Y/n) wasn't an idiot, she knew of the pillars childish crush on her. It was painfully obvious, even though they try to make it inconspicuous. But they never truly acted on it, only doing her favors, or spending a LOT of time with her. She was fine with this until one day...
"Shinobu- San, why do you need help with this again?" (Y/n) asked. Shinobu was about to inject a new healing medicine that Shinobu claimed she needed help with. (Y/n) just got back from a mission, and had a fever, so she was the perfect person for the job.
"It's just a new medicine I need tested, and you have a fever. This medicine should make it go away fast!" Shinobu explained. (Y/n) nodded her head and Shinobu injected it into her.
5 minutes later, a sweet strawberry like smell hit Shinobu's nose. It was driving her crazy, so she followed where it was coming from. And speak of the devil it was (Y/n) where it was coming from. (Y/n) was just minding her own business when Shinobu's face was mere inches away from her.
"Oí what are you doing?" (Y/n) asked startled and jumped back.
"You smell so sweet (Y/n)! And you look especially gorgeous today fufufu!" Shinobu complimented. (Y/n) took note of her flushed red face and nodded.
"Well thank you, but I must visit the pillars estates, I have to deliver news." (Y/n) said getting up. When she was walking out of the butterfly estate Shinobu followed. "Did you need something Shinobu?" (Y/n) asked. Shinobu didn't respond she just kept following her. (Y/n) was getting a bit creeped out and used hashira speed to go to giyu's estate.
"What's gotten into Shinobu?" (Y/n) wondered. When she reached the water estate, she saw Giyu training in the back of the estate. He wasn't wearing a shirt, rather just his uniform pants, he was sweating a lot. Without his shirt, you could see his toned abs, which had sweat rolling down them. But right when he was going to swing at the dummy again, a sweet smell hit his nose. He turned around so fast, not even sonic could compare to it. He saw (Y/n) there watching him training.
Once again (Y/n) saw how red his face was, "Are you running a fever Giyu-San?" (Y/n) asked.
"No but I do have a fever for you. You look beautiful." Now Giyu was the one inches from her face.
"O-oh well thank you Giyu, but I'm here to tell you news." (Y/n) cursed herself for stuttering. "But I guess it can wait..." (Y/n) was getting creeped out by the weird behavior of the two pillars.
"I know they have a crush on me, but this is very bold. Especially Giyu, at least Shinobu-
(Y/n) was cut from her thoughts when Giyu got kicked in the side by someone. (Y/n) looked and it was Sanemi who's kicked him.
"Get away from (Y/n), you lonely bastard!" Sanemi yelled. Giyu started glaring at him, while Sanemi glared right back.
Sanemi POV 5 minutes before
"Ugh stupid demon..." I mumbled. I just got back from an annoying demon and now I have to deal with this? Then I saw (Y/n) ran by me really fast, and a few minutes after Shinobu. But when (Y/n) passed I smelled something very sweet... following her won't hurt...
End of Sanemi POV
(Y/n) was now watching a very intense glaring battle between Giyu and Sanemi.
Shinobu then showed up out of nowhere, "Moshi, moshi!" This caused Giyu and Sanemi to break away from their glaring battle to look at Shinobu. Shinobu was slumped over (Y/n)'s shoulders.
"Um I gotta go!" (Y/n) said using her hashira speed again, and of course the three pillar followed her en-suite. While (Y/n) was trying to get away from the three pillars she got lifted in the air. (Y/n) looked and saw Muichiro holding her, his face too flushed a very deep red.
He was carrying her bridle style, "Muichiro what are you doing?"
"... I don't remember." He answered curtly. Seeing Muichiro carry (Y/n) made the pillars even more angry and sped up to catch them. Right when Muichiro was about to get away, he ran into something hard. He looked up and saw Uzui.
"What are you doing to flamboyant (Y/n)?!" Uzui shouted. The three pillars had caught up and (Y/n) looked around, they all had flushed red faces. Uzui quickly grabbed (Y/n) and jumped onto the roof of the sound estate. Muichiro didn't even notice he'd run there.
"Can you please put me down Uzui? I need to tell you guys the news!" (Y/n) begged. Uzui just flashed her a smile and out her down. Right heel she was about to speak she was picked up again, and was moving at a fast pace. She looked up and saw Rengoku carrying her.
"Hello (Y/n)! You look radiant today!" Rengoku smiled, flashing her a bright smile. She had to cover her eyes from the brightness. (Y/n) looked behind them, the other 5 pillars chasing them. (Y/n) somehow managed to get out of his tight grip and ran up into a tree. She was so fast the other 6 pillars couldn't find where she went to. (Y/n) thought she finally got away form them when she felt something slither up her leg. She looked down and saw Kaburamaru slithering up her leg.
"Oh no, if you're her that means-
Her thoughts were cut short by someone sniffing her. She looked and Obanai was smelling her neck, centimeters away from her neck. Kaburamaru was wrapped around her neck. Obanai too had a flushed red face.
"You look stunning today (Y/n)." Obanai complimented. This was getting ridiculous, what's getting into the pillars?! (Y/ ) ran away to Oyakata-sama's estate. She hid on the roof away from them. Kaburamaru was still nuzzled into her neck. Next thing she knew Mochi was being shoved down her throat. She started coughing violently with the mochi stuck in her throat.
"I'm sorry (Y/n)! But was it good?!" Mitsuri gushed. She was flushed too, (Y/n) thought it was normal since she was always flushed.
"Yes thank you Mitsuri." (Y/n) said still coughing. Next thing (Y/n) new she was falling off the roof with the rest of the hashira. They'd ran to fast and they'd collided with (Y/n) since they couldn't stop in time. They were about to collide with the ground but instead they all fell in gyomei's arms.
"Thank you gyomei!" (Y/n) flashed a warm smile at all of them. Making all of their faces flush even more, if that's even possible. The pillars looked at each other and they all nodded.
"WE LOVE YOU (Y/N)!" They all yelled at the same time. (Y/n) was taken aback, not expecting this. But when recovered quickly and wore a warm, kind smile.
"I love you guys too." (Y/n) said smiling.
"Wait what was the new you had to tell us?" Muichiro asked.
"Well there's a pillar meeting..." (Y/n) trailed off.
"Hello my children." Oyakata said calmly. He'd heard all of this and was trying not to laugh. They all bowed and apologized. They couldn't contain their happiness, (Y/n) was finally there's.

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