🤖16: I'll call it our bond

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Rodney happily put her ring on her finger and picked her up twirling them around, everyone cheered at the two. The happy couple were laughing of how much joy they felt.

They all told the news to their parents as they were also cheering for them, it was the most special moment of their lives.

Soon they all had to go home to work, Y/n's parents said their goodbyes as Rodney does the same. The gang all teased Rodney for being nervous of the proposal as Cappy pointed out Y/n's tears of joy came down.

Everyone joked and laughed in the train having a good time, Y/n, Cappy, and Rodney were able to ggp back to work and continue working on new projects they missed.

As Y/n was by the window checking out some new locations to renew and rebuild, she happened to look at the destroyed ChopShop. She began to feel a bit gloomy and almost teared up, then Rodney and Cappy were next to her and patted her shoulders.

Bigweld was noticing how sad Y/n was and stood next to them, "Y/n I know you're sad from everything that happened and I want you to know that everything will be ok."

Rodney then spoke, "But Bigweld, what about what you told me, to find someone to manage the ChopShop?" Bigweld had almost forgot, "Oh of course, well actually....We will be rebuilding the ChopShop and I think I already found something perfect for the job."

"Who?" they asked, suddenly they all heard the door opening, Ratchet walks in with a suit and all fixed up. "Ratchet!" Y/n said as she runs to him and gives him a hug.

Ratchet hugs her back with a smile on his face, "Y/n, I'm so happy to see you again." Y/n looks a bit confused, "How did they let you out, I thought you were going to stay there for 20 years."

Bigweld spoke, "Well Y/n, since Ratchet has shown he is a changed man, I figured he deserve another chance so I bailed him out. And he will be in charge of the ChopShop from now on."

Ratchet smiles, "Once the ChopShop gets rebuilt I'll get to help Bigweld by making spared parts for those in need." Rodney and Cappy were happy, they walked towards him.

Rodney smirks a little, "Got some exciting news you might want to hear." Ratchet was slightly confused but when Y/n shows him the ring he was happy for her. "No way! Wow Y/n, he sure choose the best one there."

Cappy smiles at Ratchet being happy for his sister getting engaged, she then felt something off, like she gets nervous for being next to him.

She talks to Ratchet, "Now since you will be in charge of the ChopShop, umm.....You could use a hand." Ratchet gets a bit nervous, "Well, I can somewhat manage it on my own...."

"Nonsense, you have to have someone else to help you with the ChopShop, so I'll be the one to help you." The two got more nervous, Ratchet said, "W-Well, if that's what you want then....I'm glad to have you there."

Cappy gave him a hug as he was very nervous, he then slowly returned the hug. He then felt a slight kiss on the cheek, he grew more nervous as Cappy was the one who kissed him.

Y/n was quickly cheering to herself seeing that happened, Bigweld softly smiles, "Well Cappy, I'll make sure that you and Ratchet will have plenty of help from us, if you need anything contact Y/n. I'm sure she'll be happy to help.

Y/n respond, "Glad too. Anything for you guys." Bigweld nods, "In the mean time, Ratchet will be helping you all for the designs of the parts needed for certain robots."

The four were happy to have things go back to the things they are now, once the day of work was over Y/n had a sudden realization, "Wait Ratchet, where will you stay at."

Ratchet was a bit worried, "I don't know, maybe I'll find an apartment to stay at...." Cappy then nervously spoke out, "You can stay over at my place for now....."

Ratchet got very shy, and looked nervous, "Are....are you sure?" Cappy nods yes and Ratchet was a bit happy but mostly nervous and shy, "Then......I'll stay."

Y/n and Rodney smiled, "Make sure you behave yourself ok Ratchet." He quickly nods his head and followed Cappy to her car, Y/n looks at Cappy, "Take care of him ok."

She smiles, "I will." Then they drove off, Rodney and Y/n got in their car and drove home, Rodney said, "You know at first I never thought of Ratchet and you being siblings, I wonder if he will be happy to be my brother in law."

"Something tells me that he is happy to have someone else in his life......."

Cappy and Ratchet arrived at Cappy's home and head inside, Cappy leads him to a guest room, "Here is where you will be living in, just let me know if you need something ok?"

Ratchet nods as he had his stuff with him, he opens his suitcase and unpacked some stuff he wants to have in the room. He then placed the photo on a desk as Cappy called him for dinner.

Ratchet heads to the kitchen as the photo he placed was him and Y/n when they were little, a reminder of the special moment they had before everything changed.....

The End

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