🤖2: Feeling Unsure

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I was arranging the preparations as Cappy and Y/n starts chatting, I couldn't help but admire Y/n's beautiful smile and her shining eyes. As Y/n is helping someone with some work Cappy walks over to me, "What's on your mind Copperbottom?"

"Huh? O-Oh, just lost in thought, hehe...." She looks at Y/n and smiles, "Staring at Y/n I see, sounds like you got a perfect catch." I sighed and continued to work as Cappy was fixing some paperwork, "So....5 years? What are planning to do?"

"Well I am planning on making her the happiest gal alive by-" I immediately covered my mouth. Cappy smiles, "No way. Rodney Copperbottom, Bigweld's eventual successor, is planning to marry Y/n."

"Y-Yea, I mean if it wasn't for her encouraging me to live our dreams, I wouldn't have come here and...." Cappy frowns, "Ratchet and Gasket would have destroyed innocent bots for their own vision of the future....."

We were silent after mentioning him, "I'm really worried about Y/n, she's been thinking about Ratchet coming after her." Cappy starts to worry, "Just thinking of Ratchet as her brother.....she must be terrified."

Bigweld then enters as we begin the meeting, "Now before we begin our meeting I would like to celebrate someone's birthday today, Cappy!" Everyone clapped as Cappy playfully nudged Y/n, "You didn't."

She giggles, "I have to." Bigweld gave Cappy a small gift as he continues, "Now for our topic for today's meeting......."

I was focusing on the meeting till I noticed Y/n is lost in her thoughts, is she still thinking about Ratchet?..... As soon as the meeting was over Y/n was starting out the window for the place to set our new shop of parts.

But for some reason she looked sad, I went next to her to see her facing the ChopShop, "Y/n? Y/n? Y/n." She turns to me and jumped a bit, "Yes Rodney?" I wanted to ask, but I don't know if it's the appropriate time.

"Are you still ready for Cappy's birthday dinner tonight?" She smiles, "Of course!" We finished today's work as the tree of us wanted to go out before dinner, Cappy and Y/n wanted to go walk around the park as I smiled.

"Ever wonder how someone like Bigweld would have a room almost filled with dominos in different sizes?" Y/n chuckles, "From what I remember you telling me when you two were trying to have Bigweld help save the city, I have never seen his home."

I playfully scoff, "So much dominos, it was like an ocean as Cappy and I were swept away as he was surfing." We all laughed, Y/n pouts, "You guys are lucky, I've always wanted to see the inside of his house."

"Someday Y/n, you never know when the city needs saving." Cappy said as she teased Y/n. "Oh my, hope that doesn't happen. Anyway we should head home to get ready for your birthday dinner."

We went dropped off Cappy as we head back home, I looked over at Y/n who isn't sad anymore, at least she won't be sad during dinner.....I need to find the appropriate time to ask the big question.....

We arrived home as the gang greeted us, "Hey guys how's work?" Y/n stretched, "Eh same as usual, what about you guys?" Crank spoke out, "Nothing much, by the way Aunt Fanny is going to be at a date Bigweld for a while so she'll be back home soon."

"It's cute to see her having a boyfriend who is a big celebrity like Bigweld." Piper said as she smiled. Y/n chuckles as she went to her room to change, "Guys, I need a big favor to ask."

Fender spoke out, "What is the big favor." I was getting embarrassed, "I need to plan a nice surprise for Y/n to propose.....Got any ideas?" Suddenly the gangs face lights up with excitement, "Wow Rodney, asking the big question."

As the gang was discussing the plan, none of us heard Y/n coming back. "Rodney shouldn't you get ready?" We all froze and acted like nothing happened, Y/n was confused.

{Y/n's Pov}

"Is everything ok?" Rodney heads to me, "Of course Y/n everything is ok, I'll j-just get ready for dinner ok." Rodney went to his room to change as I look back at the group, "Are guys hiding something?"

"No, not at all."
"Just hanging out."
"Nothing to hide."
"At all......"

I was a bit confused, but shrugged it off, "If you say so." Rodney then takes my hand, "Shall we?" We head out after we told them that we would be back, on our way to the restaurant I couldn't help, but feel like Rodney is acting different.

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