🤖13: Destruction

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Rodney is still looking high and low to find Y/n, he then hears someone grunting as the chains made noise, Rodney communicates, "Guys I think I found Y/n, is everyone ok?"

Cappy and Bigweld: "We are ok."
Crank, Diesel, and Lugnut: "We are ok."
Piper and Fender: "......"

Rodney slowly get worried, "Piper and Fender, are you guys ok?" There was nothing, something must've happened, He followed the noise to see Y/n hanging by the furnace, "Y/n!" She looks at him, "Rodney!?"

They quickly head to the chains and lowered her down to untie her, Rodney calls, "Everyone I found Y/n, she is near the furnace to where Bigweld was held on."

Everyone: "We are on our way!"
Rodney: "Bigweld, I need to contact the police and send them here right away."
Bigweld: "On it."

As Y/n was on the ground safely Wonderbot unchains her, she looks up at Rodney, "Rodney I-" He interrupts her with a tight hug, "Y/n! I'm so sorry for hurting you, I thought I lost you! Please, please forgive me for what I said, I never meant to hurt you."

She wipes his tears as he gives her a big kiss, he embraced his love for her by holding her tightly in his arms, he stopped the kiss as she softly smiled. Then her smile left fast, "Rodney you need to get out of here! Ratchet is going to kill you!"

"He can't beat me, I'll knock him down." Suddenly I heard from Piper and Fender, "Run! Ratchet has a giant machine to destroy us!" As on cue he breaks the wall looking straight at us,

"Well well well, It seems like Rodney needed his crew to fight me!" Rodney gets up and puts Y/n behind him, "You won't get away with this Ratchet! The police has been called and are on their way!"

Ratchet laughs maniacally, "You really think I'm worried about the police, besides I won't let them get me after I kill you!" Rodney growls then the gang finally met up witnessing the giant fighting machine.

Rodney suddenly picks up Y/n bride style, "Everyone run!" Everyone went straight for the exit they came from, Ratchet sees the exit and knocks down the big piles of parts crashing onto the exit blocking the way out.

"Do you really think I'll let you escape that easily! You will all pay for everything!" He then swings the giant arm onto the gang, but they quickly dodge the attack.

Everyone was scared, but knows to avoid the attacks Ratchet gives. He starts swinging at them one by one as Rodney takes Y/n to a safe spot, "Y/n stay here, I don't want you to get hurt."

"But-" he then ran back to the gang avoiding the attacks, "Rodney we need to destroy that machine or it'll kill us all!" Rodney was trying to think of a way to destroy the machine.

He then looks at the giant saw he used with Bigweld to escape and lots of chains hanging around, "I got it, Guys quick get him tangled onto the chains!"

The gang nods as they quickly find tactics to get him stuck, Ratchet then quickly avoids as he was getting more aggressive towards them, "Rodney Copperbottom! I have been waiting my entire life for this!"

Ratchet then goes after Ratchet ignoring the others, Rodney dodges his every move till notice that Y/n wasn't at her spot, "Y/n!" He starts to tear up looking around for her, he hears Ratchet, "Looking for her!?"

He was holding Y/n in the giant hand, Y/n is struggling to escape, "Rodney!" Rodney then gets upset, he goes after Ratchet, but was captured. Rodney and Y/n were taken to the furnace.

"Now Rodney you have two choices, let Y/n be sent to her death! Or....Stay away from Y/n and me forever, and never come back!" Rodney was getting very worried of his two choices.

"I.....I'll stay away from the both of you forever....." It breaks his heart to make his decision, but he knows it's better to let her live alone then for her to die. "Wise choice Copperbottom, now.....prepare to die!"

"NO!!!" Y/n yelled as Rodney was slowly being put into the furnace, Ratchet smiles, "Any last words?" He takes a deep sigh, "Just one....." he looks at Y/n then back to Ratchet, "Guys now!"

The gang all jumped onto the machine with chains around them to tangle him up, as Wonderbot was secretly undoing parts of the hand were Rodney was in.

The hand lets go of Rodney as the gang all used the chains to lead the giant hand into the furnace, having it destroyed. The hand holding Y/m opened and broke free, she climbed onto the chains next to her where it wasn't attached to Ratchet.

Ratchet see Y/n escaping as he gets off and chases her, she was almost out of Ratchet's reach till she felt his hand on her leg, "Where do you think your going!"

"Let go! Let me go!" Ratchet was holding onto her tight having the two close to the furnace, Rodney and the gang saw the two fighting, "Y/n!"

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