🤖3: Foggy Memories

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"You sure you aren't hiding something from me?" Rodney stuttered, "Y-Yes Y/n I'm not hiding anything from you, besides there is no need to hide anything from my sunshine."

My face started to heat up, "Oh you." We finally arrived to the restaurant as we spotted Cappy just outside. "Hi Cappy!" She turns to us, "Hey, shall we head inside."

We got our table and decided to talk for a while, "Oh Cappy, I've been meaning to ask, what did Bigweld gave you?" Rodney smiles, "Is it something pretty?"

"Actually, he gave me something for my feet, remember how I can use the little wheels to go. Well he actually gave me something like that but it was more of an upgrade."

"Oooooo, how cool. It's nice to know that he cares about his employees." Cappy smiles, "He is one thoughtful man." Once our dinner was served we couldn't help but talk about our adventures saving the city.

"I can't believe you and Rodney confronted Ratchet on Bigweld's office when he was knocked out. Not to mention crashing into the window." Rodney looked scared, "It was a bumpy ride, not to mention you were attacking me."

"So you don't remember much when they took your memory card?" Cappy asked. "No that you mentioned it, I don't think I have.....was it very bad." Rodney and Cappy looked At each other concerned.

"If only I noticed sooner when you didn't escape with us during the ball, you wouldn't go through what you did....." Cappy sighed, "Actually Rodney....Y/n wanted you to head back home to the train station so you wouldn't get killed."

Tears start to form as I remember that night, it was scary and frightening. I then felt Rodney's hand on mine as he gently squeezed them, "Thanks to everyone, I couldn't leave my Y/n behind."

I smiled as we continued to talk for the rest of that night, once we finished we dropped of Cappy and head back home. I looked at the window to see the night sky over the city, that's when I noticed something off.

The place where the ChopShop is has some smoke coming out, "That's.....strange." Rodney spoke, "What's strange?" I looked at him, "The ChopShop looks like its open...." Rodney wonders for a bit, "I'm sure it's nothing Y/n, you worried so much it'll make you see things you don't want to see."

I sighed, "I guess you're right." We head home to find the crew on the couch as Aunt Fanny was doing the dishes. "How's dinner with Cappy?" Piper asked. "It was really fun, we talked a lot, mostly about our adventures saving the city."

Crank spoke out, "It was a dangerous journey for everyone." Lugnut continued, "As Madam Gasket and Ratchet were planning to destroy innocent robots to create a greater utopia with upgrades that can make the poor suffer."

Piper finishes, "But luckily Rodney and Y/n saved the city and Bigweld. It took them both to defeat them as everyone cheered for our heroes." Everyone smiled and laughed, as we both did the same."

Fender smirks, "Not to mention that Y/n has finally got to be with her true love." I got embarrassed, "Hehe.....it was worth the wait." Rodney smirks as I playfully pushed him back giggling. "Alright guys I'm gonna go to bed, night everyone." I then head to my room to sleep, but as I sat down I was still wondering about the ChopShop,

It couldn't be true that the ChopShop is open right now.....hmmm maybe I should check it out when I get a chance. I hate to say this but I......want to see Ratchet again, to see if he can change.

I see some good in him, but what did happened with the memories I had forgetting everyone except them.....Wait...is it still....

I turned on a lamp to get a better look inside my open head, "Dang it, I'll probably mess something up." I then see Wonderbot sleeping on his bed, "Pshhht, Wonderbot...." he slowly woke up as he was happy to see me.

"Can you do me a favor?" He nods, "Can you check to see if there are two memory cards?" He hovers over my head and motions yes, "Ok, listen carefully, if there is a black silver card that's the my memory of everyone so don't take it out."

He then took the other one out and hands it to me, "Thanks Wonderbot." He smiles as he heads to his bed. "I need some sort of projector for my memory card. Hmmm, Let's do it tomorrow."

{Rodney's Pov}

Once Y/n went to her room to sleep I turned around as the whole gang smirks at me, I was extremely nervous, "So....hehe.." they immediately put me to the table to come one with a plan to propose to Y/n.

"How about we do it at Bigweld's next ball?"
"I don't know, we don't even know when will be the next ball."
"What about at your work and having Bigweld join, he can lead Y/n to the office for a "important talk" as Rodney will make his move."
"Or at the stage at your hometown, people will see the proposal and cheer for you guys."
"Oh! How about-"

"Guys guys! They all sound amazing, but I don't think we would be able to do any of those. The Bigweld ball is a long way, Bigweld will probably too busy for the plan, and won't it be pointless to head back home to propose just to come back the day after."

The gang grew silent as I sighed, "I just want the perfect proposal for Y/n, she deserve one after all she has done for us." The gang kept thinking as I laid at the couch, Fender sits next to me, "Don't worry Rodney, I'm sure we'll think of something."

"I know, anyway I'm heading to bed. Goodnight guys." I head to the room to see Y/n sleeping peacefully, I softly rubbed her head as I laid in bed. Hmmm I wonder what will be the perfect proposal....

Rodney: Guys, I need your help! I need a plan for to propose to Y/n, and I want it to be very special. Can you guys give me some advice. Please and thank you.

Y/n: Who are you talking to Rodney?

Rodney: N-No one Y/n, hehe...."

Y/n: Ok?

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