🤖4: Memory lane

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I woke up at 4am in the morning, couldn't sleep. I see Rodney next to me, I got up to get a quick drink. I head to the kitchen as I grabbed a drink and head to the table.

I stared outside the window as I couldn't stop thinking about Ratchet. I'm honestly worried about him, who knows when we will come after me......I want to at least see him if he is still hanging around the chains.

Sigh.....but if I tell Rodney he will probably not let me go, alone that is. Hmmm maybe if I go with someone other than Rodney I'll be fine. It's worth a shot, but hopefully Ratchet will change into a good person.

Wait! The memory card of course! I quietly head towards the room and decided to make the projector. I grabbed everything I need as I scan for other parts, once I got the blueprint loaded I head towards the living room and start inventing.

It would've take hours but luckily I am a fast inventor and was able to finish in 30 minutes. I looked at the projector and took a deep breath, I whispered to myself, "Ok, lets see what happened while I was abducted."

I placed the chip inside as it played the memories in order, it starts up rebooting.

I opened my eyes to see Gasket and Ratchet smiling with an evil look, "Welcome home my beautiful darling." My mother hugged me as Ratchet pats my head.

"Listen Y/n, do you know what your goal is for us?" I spoke out, "To get rid of Bigweld and make Ratchet City, but you are going to need me to finish the plan quick." Mother smiles, "That's my girl! Ratchet lead Y/n to the processing point in the plan early tomorrow morning. In the mean time get some rest Y/n, you have been through so much."

"Yes mother, come on Y/n." I followed Ratchet to the room I will be staying in, "Is this my room?" Ratchet spoke, "Yes for now...make yourself at home." I walked around the room and looked at a photograph of young Ratchet and mom.

I was confused, "Why wasn't I in this photo?" Ratchet sighs, "You were taken away from us.....I didn't understand what my dad said after he took you away." I was concerned, "Is dad ok?"

"You could say that, but anyway your home now and we are happy to have you back." Ratchet left the room as I held onto the photo as I sat down, "How long was Ratchet alone....."

I then got up and head towards Ratchet's room, I noticed that the door was a bit open so I took a peak, "For so long.....I didn't think that I even had a sister till mother told me the truth. Oh Y/n.....if only we could have some time together when we were kids, we probably would've fight a lot though hehe....."

I felt sad for what Ratchet is going through,

"Now knowing that I'm a big brother......it really seems as if I was a fool for forgetting about my own family. But I promise Y/n that I will make sure you won't get taken away ever again."

I then head back to the room and slept, I fast forwarded to see all the plans I had been working on, I was worried that I attacked Fender, fought Rodney and the gang on the busy street, and attacking my own family to get my memories back.

But what really made me had faith in Ratchet changing was this,

Ratchet showed me the Sweepers model, "I was thinking about adding a few reasonable works on these sweepers, but I need your skills to help." I looked at the blueprints and start scanning, "Looks like we got enough parts for them, but I am sure we are going to want more to make them more powerful."

I smiled at Ratchet as he smiles back, "Since you got to see the view from the city from the office, are you ready to get this plan into action?!" I nodded, "You bet I am." Ratchet then got the supplies needed to make them powerful as I was assembling them.

"I can't wait for mother to see this." Ratchet then looks away to the door, "I'll be right back Y/n." I said ok then head back to work. I was almost finished and just needed to add a license plate on the front, but I want Ratchet to decide what to put on.

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