🤖14: It all fell down

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Y/n was struggling for her life as Ratchet is holding onto her leg making the two almost fall, Y/n couldn't hold onto the chain much longer as Ratchet then grabs her other leg forcing her to lose her grip.

The gang all panicked, "Y/N!!!!!" They ran to save her till Lugnut noticed something leaking, "Guys! The oil is leaking out from where Ratchet was at, and the machine is taking it closer to the furnace!!!"

Ratchet and Y/n looked as a sudden spark form, the machine went into the furnace causing a huge explosion making the whole ChopShop on fire from the oil.

The explosion knocked everyone back as Y/n and Ratchet were badly injured, everyone was hurt but were ok, Rodney gets up slowly from the pain and looks for Y/n.

"Y/n! *grunts from pain* Y/n!" He then sees her slowly getting up, "Y/n!" He runs up to her, "Y/n, I was so worried I thought I lost you!" She softly smiles, "Don't worry Rodney, I'm not going anywhere."

Rodney helps Y/n up as the two heard coughing, it was Ratchet on the ground trying to get up. Y/n was shocked and went to him as Rodney tried to stop her and grab her by the hand, but missed.

Y/n runs to Ratchet with her hand reaching out, "Are you ok!?" He slaps her hand away, "Don't worry about me!" He stands up and takes a step back, "After all this time you have always cared about me, even when we tried to use you and hurt the people you loved.......and yet......"

Y/n could see the pain he was in, he looks straight at her eyes, "Why would you care about me when I tried to kill you." Y/n covered her mouth as Ratchet showed how he felt. "Even when I did cared about you I couldn't stop myself from hurting you..."

He clenched his fist, "I don't know what to do!" Ratchet was then in shock as he felt someone's arms wrapped around him, it was Y/n hugging him. Y/n's tears fell down from her face as she clings onto him, "Nothing will ever make me stop caring about you Ratchet."

She continues as she hugs him tightly, "I will be here for you no matter what. Even if you tried to kill me I will still forgive you." He gets frustrated as he tries to push her away, "But why out of all people, you should forgive me for everything I've done!"

"Because you will always be my big brother!"

After she said that Ratchet stops himself from pushing her away, he then hugs back tightly as he softly cries. "It doesn't matter that you think I shouldn't care about you, I will always do."

"Then why can't I protect you like I was supposed to....." Y/n looks at Ratchet's eye and wipes his tears, "It wasn't your fault for that, my dad tried to protect me from her! She was the one who never told you about, she made sure you never knew I existed till she found me!"

Ratchet was confused, almost denying it, "I don't understand why she did all this...." Y/n looked down, "She wanted you to be someone to use for her own selfish needs, she brainwashed you for almost destroying the city for money."

"But...She loves me, she was our mother...." Y/n looks at him, "Then why did father saved me from her....." he looks away from her, "I.....don't know..." Y/n softly sighs as Ratchet was still unsure, "I know there is good in you Ratchet, that's why I didn't give up on you."

He looks back at her and softly smiles at her as she does the same, he then chuckles, "You are one of a kind Y/n, I'm glad to have a little sister like you." Rodney then walks towards then with a smile, Ratchet was a bit worried about what he did.

"Listen Rodney, I am sorry for trying to kill you, I just thought that by destroying you I could fulfill my mom's vision of a perfect city. But I didn't realize how many lives it can affected by all that, and I'm sorry."

Rodney then sticks his hand out, "I accept your apology Ratchet, Y/n was right....there definitely is good in you." Ratchet shakes Rodney's hand as Y/n hugs them both, they were interrupted by a sound of an explosion, expanding the fire.

The gang then sees the three, "Guys we need to get out of here now!" Fender spoke, "The exits are blocked! We don't have a way out!" Ratchet then looks around to see the gaping hole he made from the the machine.

"There an emergency exit other there, quick follow me!" Piper gets upset, "Why should we trust you?!" Ratchet turns to her, "Because I know this place like the back of my hand."

Y/n steps in, "Come on everyone, let's escape this place. Follow Ratchet!" They all nodded a bit worried, but trust Y/n. They all run as fast as they can while the place was falling apart, Ratchet took the to the door to the emergency exit, but was then blocked by a large pile metal.

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