🤖9: Holding grudges

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Aunt Fanny wipes my tears after the hug, I slightly frowned, "But how can I prove to everyone he can change without them getting upset." She sighs, "That is something you need to talk to them about."

Suddenly the door open as the gang and Rodney came back, they all look at me shocked, "Y/n!" I was confused as they seemed suspicious, "I didn't think you'd be home early?"

"Ok.....? Well anyway umm.....I want to tell you guys something." We all sat down on the couch, "I know that you guys care about me so much and would want to protect me after what happened, but I made up my mind and I am going to give Ratchet a chance by seeing him."

Everyone was quiet, "WHAT!!!" I stood still as they went up to me asking me why, I couldn't answer them all because the questions kept piling up. Rodney then got up and stood in front of me, "You are not going to see Ratchet! Ever!"

I then get angry and stood up, "What gives you the right to make me not see my own brother! You don't understand that he needs me Rodney, more than ever!" Rodney's face grew angry, his face was frightening to look at.

"I am not going to let you go see Ratchet again! You hear me! And I'll make sure you understand that he is evil, he will never change Y/n! He will just manipulate you like your mother did, do you want to lose me for him!"

He stopped as he took deep breaths, I couldn't believe he would say all that, I start to tear up from what he said. "Y/n I-" I pushed everyone out of my way and ran into my room, I then sat on my bed crying, how could he say that too me......is it wrong to care about my own brother.....

I turned to the sound of my door being knocked, "Y/n, open the door. I'm sorry for yelling at you for that, I didn't mean it. Please Y/n let me in." I looked at my window and decided to run away.

I safely got out and ran towards the alleyway where we first met in the city. I sat on the floor with my head on my knees crying my heart out, suddenly I heard a loud clank noise. I looked up to see nothing, I was worried if it was Rodney so I went further in the alley.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Rodney said, it felt like he wanted me to forget all about Ratchet. I sighed as I thought about Ratchet, but another clank appears.

I was looking around to see if anyone was there, then I saw a figure who was just standing far from me, it spoke, "Y/n......long time no see, oh how I missed you...." I then realized who that voice belongs to, "Ratchet......"

"Yes Y/n, it's me...." I was worried, "How did you find me.....?" He smirks, "Oh you don't need to worry, besides.....I've been wanting to find you ever since you betrayed us...and now...prepare to say goodbye to your freedom."

"What are you doing.....don't come any closer...N-no! Stop! NO!!!!"

{Rodney's Pov} *2 hours earlier*

"I am not going to let you go see Ratchet again! You hear me! And I'll make sure you understand that he is evil, he will never change Y/n! He will just manipulate you like your mother did, do you want to lose me for him!"

I stopped and took deep breaths, I realize that I went to far for wanting her to be safe. She start to tear up from what I said. "Y/n I-" She then pushed everyone out of her way and ran into her room.

The gang looked at me with disappointment, "Oh no...." I quickly ran to the door as I didn't want to barge in, "Y/n, open the door. I'm sorry for yelling at you for that, I didn't mean it. Please Y/n let me in."

I didn't hear much from her, I was hesitating on opening the door but decided to give her some space. I sat by the door and start to tear up, "I'm such an idiot, I shouldn't have yelled at her." I waited by the door to see if she is going to let me in, but so far nothing.

I slowly opened the door, "Y/n....Sweetheart....I want to say that I'm sorry for hurting you-" the room was empty, "Y/n?" I looked around the room to see if she is hiding till I noticed that the window is open, "Oh no....."

I ran out of the room and head outside as the gang were startled, "Y/n! Y/n!" The gang came outside, "Rodney what's happened?" I told them, "Y/n ran away!" They all were terrified of Y/n's safety. "Where could she have gone?"

I didn't want to think she is at the ChopShop, especially after what happened, "I'll head to Cappy's to see if she is there!"

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