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Wooyoung was already settled in for a few days. He didn't expect it to be like this. San was busy all hours of the night and day, so he was alone almost always. And to be frank, the house was quite scary when he was the only one in it, besides cleaners and likewise.

He figured they would talk, or maybe even socialize. It felt lonely. Wooyoung felt lonely. All San did was pay off his loans and everything alike. Now all he had to do was attend his new college, but he wasn't worried about that. It was the aloneness that made him worried. What if he goes insane being by himself all day. He couldn't have that.

"Didn't San say something about business." Wooyoung muttered to himself. He remembered that he mentioned the only time they would be together was on business outings.

"When are we going to go on one of those?" Wooyoung huffed. He was extremely bored and San made it clear he worked seven days a week and whenever he could. It was dreadful sitting in the house himself. Sure he could clean, do homework, go out. I mean he did get a new truck a bit ago. However, Wooyoung didn't want to go out. Plus, San didn't really give him spending money.

"Agh!" Wooyoung yelled. He felt as he was going mentally unstable thinking about all these things.

This was how things went for some time. Wooyoung moped around, went to school, and slept. He really didn't feel like he was wanted where he was. It was all a bit too much, or too little. He really wasn't sure.

wooyoung please get ready i have a business meeting tonight. i'll be by to pick you up at 6:45 sharp.

Wooyoung practically screamed. Finally he was going to get out of this house for any other reason than school. He was excited to meet all of Sans co-workers, to even socialize with San a little would be nice.

Wooyoung took that as a note to dress casual fancy. San really didn't put a description of what to wear. He just said get ready, for all Wooyoung knew he could wear swim trunks.

In no time, San was walking into the house coming to get Wooyoung. He hoped he wasn't sleeping or anything.

Knock! Knock!

Wooyoung jumped at the sudden noise in such a quiet house.

"Coming!" Wooyoung called before getting up leaving his phone to rest.

"Dressed perfectly. Now come on we have quite a drive." San instructed admiring the male. Wooyoung smiled that smile of his causing something inside Sans lonely self to feel warm, was it his heart? His cheeks? He honestly couldn't pin point it, but something was causing a tingling feeling.

"How far is it?" Wooyoung asked as they were driving down the road. San clicked his tongue before turning to face the male briefly.

"It's a decent drive. Why?" San questioned as he took the exit.

"Because I'm curious. I'm excited to be going out. The house is so boring." Wooyoung sarcastically said, in a way he was being serious. He just didn't want to offend San in any way.

"Oh, should I give you some money or something? I didn't think about boredom being an option. Is there anything that'll make you more occupied." San tilted his head. He really didn't think on Wooyoung having feelings. He felt quite stupid.

"Maybe some company.. I don't know really.. Just anything. I don't see myself leaving the house, but some spending money for school would be okay." Wooyoung actually thought some money would be nice. San nodded at the words.

"Uh, well my friend has a... I don't know.. Whatever your labeled as, he has one too. If you want you two can hang out. Also I'll send you the money later." San spoke. He really didn't know what could solve the problem. He had never really felt lonely. He always had himself, always.

"Oh, yeah sure." Wooyoung mumbled. The words he said kind of hurt.

'Whatever your labeled as.'

'Whatever your labeled as.'

'Whatever your labeled as.'

Wooyoung felt his heart sting quite a bit. Honestly was he just something to label to San. It made him feel quite pouty. It's not like he could complain San didn't care.

"What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" San inquired. He could see the males facial expression change. His whole attitude changed.

"It's nothing." Wooyoung responded. He didn't feel like even trying to tell him. It wasn't even a big deal. It was just a bit hurtful, he was human after all.

San just hummed. He didn't know what to do. Was it something he had said? Was it something he did? He couldn't recall doing anything that could hurt him. It must've been nothing after all.

They drove the rest of the way in a suffocating silence. It was bareable though as silence had became a normal for them both.

"We're here." San raised his voice slightly trying to wake the male in the passenger seat. He just tossed slightly as the words didn't phase him. San sighed before poking his side lightly. Nothing.

"Okay then." San said to himself. He grabbed Wooyoungs hand trying to pull him up. And sure enough Wooyoung woke up. The only thing wrong with this, their hands were interlinked. San was quick to pull his hand away and clear his throat.

"We're here." San stated. Wooyoung nodded, he could feel his cheeks slightly heat up at the interaction of their hands. Maybe it was his mind playing with him. He probably was overthinking it all.


future me - > dude i think bursters is like,, on a break? or disbandment? i'm:(

recommend kmetal groups maybe ?

anyways hope you enjoyed this bleh chapter. it'll hopefully get better it's just the beginning ^3^

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