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They both entered the club after being age checked and things. The music blared even from the outside. It was full of people as the smell of various alcohols took over.

"Wanna get some drinks?" San asked as they danced to the music.

"Yeah." Wooyoung smiled softly. He was worn out from the quick dancing.

They walked towards the bar and took a seat. The menu displayed a list of things. Wooyoung didn't pay attention as he listened to the music. San had ordered them both some shots.

"Here!" San smiled softly handing the boy the drink.

"Cheers." Wooyoung smiled his signature smile.

And with that— and about five or so more, they were both pretty drunk.

"San?" Wooyoung slurred slightly looking at the male who still sat looking so pretty. His cheeks pink from the alcohol.

"Huh?" San asked as he was kind of still sober in a sense. He really didn't have a low alcohol tolerance. Plus what they had drunk wasn't really too strong, but Wooyoung didn't know that.

Before Wooyoung responded he grabbed Sans face pulling himself into something San didn't know. A kiss.

San closed his eyes, kind of feeling scared. He felt Wooyoungs warm, wet lips interlock with his. It was a passionate kiss filled with a lot of questions. Sure it was sort of sloppy since this was Sans second time kissing someone. Wooyoung let go biting Sans lip as he went.

"Gosh your hot." San huffed in a low tone. Little did Wooyoung know this had made his body heat up. San could tell Wooyoung was more drunk than he was, so he didn't want to do anything without Wooyoung knowing tomorrow.

Wooyoung didn't respond to comment instead he felt an urge in him. This urge? Lust. Sure this wasn't what he came for, but he wanted San.

"Wooyoung, I-I don't want to do anything. Your drunk." San murmured softly. Sure he lowkey wanted to, but he hadn't ever done this. Plus Wooyoung was drunk, wouldn't it be non consensual.

"I promise I can understand this. Please. Just this once can I?" Wooyoung knew San was inexperienced. However, he could change that.

"I- I don't know." San kind of wanted to. It was the moment. The music, the kiss, the drinks, it all felt so surreal.

"I won't if your not comfortable." Wooyoung instructed knowing this was something serious.

"I-I'm comfortable." San let out softly.

"You sure?" Wooyoung asked. Even if he felt his stomach in knots at the feeling, he didn't want to do anything without San fully on board.

"I'm one hundred percent sure." San nodded as he saw Wooyoung nod. He grabbed Sans hand leading them to the private rooms.

"Can we rent one?" Wooyoung asked his voice still slurred slightly.

"Yeah, who can I bill?" The man asked.

"San, Choi San." Wooyoung told the male as he led them to the rooms. A red, velvet curtain was the only thing that would keep their not so innocent things away.

And through a slip of a curtain the males were staring at one another.

"Nervous?" Wooyoung asked as he looked at the male.

"Yeah, very..." San whispered as he saw the male looking.

"I won't hurt you. But if you feel pain, or anything at any time I can stop. I promise I don't want to do anything to hurt you." Wooyoung responded. Was this just a kiss like Yunho instructed, no. It was way more, but Wooyoung didn't want to think on it. For now at least.

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