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San had woken up naturally. He had just gotten used to waking up around five or six in the morning. Even though he didn't get much sleep he felt efficient.

He could still feel Wooyoungs arm wrapped across his waist. It almost made San call in at that moment. He wanted to sit like this for forever. Even when sober it felt so nice.

He turned seeing the male sleeping softly. His lips parted slightly, his hair unkept and messy, his cheeks pink most likely from it being hot, and just his everything. He looked so innocent and soft.

San reached his hand up rubbing his cheek slightly. Even though San shouldn't of, he couldn't help but think Wooyoung was perfect every time he looked at him now a days. It wasn't something he expected.

Was romance an option in his rules? Would Wooyoung even think of liking him?

San probably was overthinking it. Just because the male was cute didn't mean that he had automatically gained some sort of romantic feeling. It wasn't like San had ever even caught feelings had he?

This was all eating away Sans morning. He couldn't stop thinking such thoughts when looking at Wooyoungs soft face nestled into his pillows.

"Your so perfect." San whispered as quiet as possible pushing some hair behind Wooyoungs ear. This male was entirely to good looking to sit in his bed. Yeah, maybe Sans thoughts were moving faster than he would ever. Not like he would even tell Wooyoung these thoughts.

San knew he'd have to leave some time. He couldn't sit letting Wooyoung hold him while he admired him forever. He got up preparing himself for a day. He knew he needed to take off sometime to spend with Wooyoung even if he said they wouldn't be anything outside of roommates practically.

"Are you leaving already?" Wooyoung mumbled. He could feel his head pounding from whatever in the world.

"Yes, thanks for last night." San responded nervously. He didn't know if Wooyoung would be weirded out, or what he would even be.

"Your welcome, thank you too." Wooyoung smiled as he pulled the cover up to his neck.

"Have a good day Wooyoung. I'll take off sometime this week if you'd like." San stated. He sat at the door looking towards the male.

"You don't have to. I'll figure it out. Bye San, have a good day." San smiled softly.

"Thanks, you can stay in my bed as long as you want. I'll see you tonight, if your up." San waved him off before walking out.

Wooyoung really didn't do anything as always. He really started to feel as he was going insane. He was happy San said he'd take some time off. Maybe he could spend time with him.

It wasn't long until San was walking in late at night knowing he had took the day off tomorrow to spend some time with Wooyoung.

"Wooyoung?" A soft, faint voice called into Wooyoungs dark bedroom. Of course Wooyoung wasn't sleeping he was just kind of sitting and staring at the ceiling thinking of whatever.

"Sanni?" Wooyoung said unconsciously. He didn't mean to say the nickname. However, it was a bit too late now.

"What?" San said kind of in disbelief. Not like he was mad, but he had strictly told the male he wasn't fond of nicknames.

"My bad, I really didn't mean i-" Wooyoung tried apologizing before San cut him off.

"Don't stress it." He mumbled.

"How was work?" Wooyoung asked turning over in his bed looking at the slender male in the door frame.

"It was the same as always.. Hold on I need to go change." San instructed before leaving. Wooyoung nodded as he watched him walk off.

Another knock sounded a few minutes later. It must've been San, obviously.

"Come in." Wooyoung let out softly.

"Can I turn this on?" San asked as he walked in pointing towards the light switch.

"Yeah, sorry. It's a bit of a mess. Um, I didn't expect you to come in here." Wooyoung apologized noticing a bag in Sans hand.

"Oh, this! Here I brought you a little snack, dinner whatever." San remembered handing the small bag to the elder. Inside contained a small biscuit, it was nothing much but it's the thought that counted.

"Thanks." Wooyoung bowed his head a little.

"What do you want to do tomorrow?" San questioned as he sat at the edge of Wooyoungs bed.

"Hm, maybe we can... I really don't know." Wooyoung chuckled lightly. What could they do?

"Yeah me either." San smiled.

"We can figure it out tomorrow. Why don't we just walk around town." Wooyoung suggested pulling the covers up.

"If you want to we can." San whispered.

"Okay, and I'm sure we will find something walking around." Wooyoung responded.

"Definitely. Sleep well Wooyoung." San whispered as he got up from the bed.

"You too San." Wooyoung smiled softly looking at the male.

San could slightly see that this 'roommate' bond was growing.

this is what i mean by skip around. also sorry it seems things are moving fast since i'm skipping around the days have went by yk?

anyways song to stream today is : last dance - bigbang 🥺

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