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Wooyoung had everything packed by two in the morning. He could've done it tomorrow, but he figured it would save time doing it all now.

"Now to sleep." Wooyoung whispered to himself before lying on his cold mattress. Nothing laid on it as he didn't think to keep the sheets out. Now he was on the nasty college dorm mattress.

hey san

why are you up so late?

packing ;-; why are you up so late

work i guess.? anyways why did you pack so fast

cause i didn't want seonghwa getting all nosy and you would have to come in and some more. it was just easier. except i packed my sheets up and now i'm laying on the musty mattress.

is seonghwa your roommate or? and i would come get you early but i promised tomorrow.

it's fine, and yeah. i can probably go find some in the laundry room.

isn't it a bit too late? i don't want you get kidnapped before i come to get you :,)

well i don't see kidnappers wanting me. anyways i'll text you once i get back.

And with that Wooyoung walked out of the room quietly. He didn't want to disturb Seonghwa.

The only thing allowing Wooyoung to see through the dark night was a single street light. Wooyoung smiled lightly thinking about how San actually kind of cared. Honestly he was kind of scared to move to somewhere he didn't know. It all felt strange however it was all set for.

"Hello?" A faint voice called causing Wooyoung to shake in fear.

"Who is that?" Wooyoung asked worriedly. He couldn't see the male.

"Ah, hi sorry I heard you coming and I was coming to get my laundry. I didn't mean to scare you." The male was tall and covered in tattoos.

"It's fine, I was coming to get some sheets. Do you know if there is any in there?" Wooyoung asked unsure of who the guy was.

"Ah maybe. Want me to go check." The boy asked politely.

"Ah, no I can go look." Wooyoung suggested before the male shook his head. 

"We can go together. Because I have to get my clothes. If I have an extra I can give it to you." The boy smiled while they walked into the warm building.

"Say whats your name?" Wooyoung asked. He hadn't seen the male around. He looked a bit older than him.

"Oh, I'm Minho, but you can call me Mino." The male chuckled.

"Oh well hello to you Mino. Thanks for helping me. By the way I'm Wooyoung." He laughed as he soon realized he came for sheets.

"Oh you were looking for sheets. What happened to yours?" Mino questioned. He thought it was odd the male didn't have any when the school provided them. Plus his were the only thing in the wash.

"I'm moving tomorrow. So I kind of stupidly packed them not thinking about sleep." Wooyoung responded as he looked in some of the cabinets of the laundry room.

"Well, I have an extra set as long as you give them back cause I need them. I can just use my roommates for tonight. What's your dorm number I'll come get them in the morning." Mino decided as they weren't seeing anything useful.

"Oh really? Thanks dude. It's number fourty-five." Wooyoung thanked the male. He was glad to finally have some for the night.

"Here, I'll stop by some time in the afternoon, is that fine with you? Because I don't wake up till then." Mino smiled giving the male his black sheets.

"Yeah that should be fine." Wooyoung nodded in agreement.

"Okay, see you tomorrow then man." Mino called as Wooyoung left the laundry room.

"Bye!" Wooyoung replied. He walked towards his dorm. He was kind of worried on how he would cover up, but this was better than nothing at all.

hey! i'm back.

jeez i figured you were kidnapped by now.

aha no. i'm good. i'm surprised your still up it's late.

i was making sure you were fine before i fell asleep.

oh so sweet to me. anyways i'll see you tomorrow i'm tired.

i was just making sure.. anyways goodnight wooyoung see you tomorrow afternoon.


San shut his phone off. He couldn't stand the teasing it made him feel immature. Like a child. Like he was texting some kid. Wooyoung was really making him feel insane.

However, he was excited to have the male move in with him. He didn't really know why. He wasn't going to interact with him. He was merely there for the money. He knew that's why Wooyoung even accepted. He couldn't complain though because now he wouldn't be that one awkward male at business outings by himself.

sotc: agree by mino

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