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San and Wooyoung skated for at least a few more hours, a few more falls, and a few more laughs. It was very enjoyable to San and Wooyoung. He was happy to not stress about work for at least one day, and to spend it carefree with him.

"Thanks for today." Wooyoung smiled as he felt tired laying on the car window.

"Your welcome. Thank you." San nodded slightly. He felt relieved to spend a day with a friend actually, Mingi didn't count he was a work friend.

"When do you have to go to work?" Wooyoung asked with a hint of sadness laced in his voice. He really enjoyed his time with him today and didn't want it to ever end. 

"Probably some time later tonight." San sighed. He could tell Wooyoung was sad. However, San had to have a way to afford that house, the car, to even afford Wooyoung.

"It's fine, I'll just clean and things. I probably should catch up on school too." Wooyoung cleared his throat. Even though today was fun, this couldn't be everyday.

"You sure? You can go out or something. It's not like your bound to the house." San chuckled as he pulled into the driveway.

"Will you at least stay for some food?" Wooyoung questioned. Not like he could cook, but some fast food to share.

"Yeah, I'll be off when your asleep. I won't just drop you off and head out." San giggled unbuckling.

"Well, do you want to eat out?" Wooyoung offered noticing they would have to deliver and blah blah.

"Sure where to?" San asked putting the car back into drive.

"Mmh, how about some nice place." Wooyoung thought. He really didn't know where to eat and he didn't even know if San ate fast food.

"Sure, I know a place." San nodded driving to where he had in mind.

When they arrived the place was busy as it was arriving into the evening. They both got out walking inside. Wooyoung couldn't help but feel out of place. It was really nice and everyone inside looked like they had money.

"Hello, Mr. Choi. Welcome back." The woman at the front desk greeted him. Well now Wooyoung knows that he's a usual here.


'Would San go to a place like this to eat alone? Or has he ate here with someone else?'

Wooyoung couldn't help but feel slightly jealous. He didn't even know what to think. You know, San could eat this classy by himself. Maybe he came with work friends.

"Have you been here before?" Wooyoung asked nervously hoping he wasn't with some girl or guy.

"Yeah, I come with Mingi all the time." San responded as they took a seat. Wooyoung nodded, luckily it wasn't a girl or something.

"Have you ever dated anyone?" Wooyoung questioned causing the male across from him to choke.

"What?" San spoke with his expression in shock.

"Have you dated before?" Wooyoung asked. He knew the question was a bit random and personal, but suddenly he had became curious.

"Uh, I don't know..." San gulped. He really hadn't dated, exactly.

"Who?" Wooyoung tilted his head sipping on the provided water.

"Someone in high school I guess. It really wasn't anything we just kissed. If that even counts." San mumbled he felt quite embarrassed.

"Ah, well not really but at least you got some action." Wooyoung winked playfully. San just chuckled. He felt extremely awkward in situations where one would ask about his love life.

"Well have you?" San manned up and asked. He wanted to be nosy and know about the males love life.

"Well, I don't want to sound stuck up and self absorbed, but I've dated quite a bit of people." Wooyoung stated. Usually it was girls, but who did he know. San seemed to be flicking a different switch inside him.

"Ah, I understand. Well you definitely have nicer features than I do." San admitted. Was it weird to think a male was attractive, maybe but he fount Wooyoung pretty.

"No your nice looking." Wooyoung huffed. He didn't want the male hating on himself.

"Yeah, yeah. It's obvious your nicer looking." San chuckled. It wasn't awkward at all, the conversation felt like two high school friends.

"Pfft, your not ugly. I promise your really cute. If I was a girl I'd date you definitely." Wooyoung smiled looking at the male in front of him.

"Yeah uhm." San didn't even know how to start. That's where he was wrong. San had never fount any girl attractive. Yeah maybe when he was little, but not now. Sure they weren't ugly, just girl things didn't interest him. Maybe it was how he was raised, how his mind worked, or just how he had thought. Maybe liking a male was weird, but he didn't really see such a problem with liking someone the same gender as long as the feelings are existent.

sOtC; no you can't by zico

sorry if it says anything related to jiwon or hanbin i don't wanna proof read ><

if it does for future reference:

jiwon - wooyoung
hanbin - san
junhoe - mingi
jinhwan - yunho
sorry i just wrote different people & figured why not make it woosan ahhh !

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